Lawrecords's Comments
Ranked Ladder Rework is Out - Everything You Need To Know About the New Ranked System!
Can you explain how the star bonuses work to get you back to the same rank as before, after a season changes? E.g. if I get 5 stars for hitting a certain rank, then next season, will my 5 star bonus help me get back to that same rank until i’m down to one star per victory again?
Dragon Hunter - #1 Legend (matff) - Galakrond's Awakening
Why do many dragon hunter decks run snake trap? I don’t see the synergy. I tend to struggle against aggro so would think that an explosive trap is a better choice, but I may be missing something.
Dragon Hunter - #47 Legend (Sveiks) - Galakrond's HoF
Why do many dragon hunter decks run snake trap? I don’t see the synergy. I tend to struggle against aggro so would think that an explosive trap is a better choice, but I may be missing something.
Ashes of Outland Theorycrafting Deck Lists - New Builds For Every Class!
There’s a lot of highlander decks here, which tend to be very expensive. Will you be posting any more decks that aren’t?
Mech Paladin - #69 Legend (BongDaCity) - Galakrond's Awakening
Any ideas what one could sub Zilliax for? I have all the cards except him and don’t want to craft due to the rotation.
Mind Blast Control Priest Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
I have Chameleos and i’m keen to use him regardless of his effectiveness. What would you sub out to make room for him?
Thank you. Do we know how many stars we get for each rank we get this season? E.g. if you get to Gold 5, you’ll get X number of stars.