Landryn's Comments
Illusion / Turtle Mage - #1 Legend (Zanananan) - Scholomance
I see 7 plus another 6 generated from minions which can be aditionaly copyed by the Potion of Illusion so you can make it up to even 20 spells if you draw ideally
I like frezz ilusion Mage type better tho including cloud prince and only 2 secrets seems odd even if they give additional 16 armor if messes up with Tortollan the Core of this deck.
The Dalaran Heist Guide - Chapter Information, Pricing, Rewards, Heroes & Hero Powers, Anomaly Mode And More!
Yea! That’s the point if they made it that way they should have add cards in it as they used to do. I this case we can spend 2800 gold for whole story mode and get 12 pack (1200) gold back with mem legendary. It won’t ever see play in ladder. I dont trust my luck on golden packs so for me its probly better to simply stick to the regular plan and buy those 28 packs instead. Sounds more reasonable especially when the Rise of Shadows is still pretty fresh and i need new cards more then one way ticket to golden wonderland…
Silence Priest Deck List Guide – Rise of Shadows – May 2019
i copy some shit by mistake here’s the link
Silence Priest Deck List Guide – Rise of Shadows – May 2019
There is no win condition is this version of silence priest!
Since the beg of Rise of Shadows silent priest is my only priest deck and i play a lot of it with some success thats why i will share with you what i’ve discovered. This deck is highly hand dependable if you dont have good starting hand there is no hope for you…
thats why i like acolyte of pain here even tho i play without it.
Archmage Vargoth is core combo card in version of silence priest that im playing with mind blast you can do 10 dmg to enemy face for 6 mana if you can pull it then you probly won already. Silence priest is a tempo oriented deck so in my opinion it is a must have!
I thought Leeroy will be great couse you can unsleeping soul him and make 12 dmg but it does not work that way if you silence Leeroy he wont have charge so its hopeless play but he can be great finisher either way. I dont like grizzlys here. Who want to defend himself with tempo deck? You go face thats the point of it and if something is blocking your path u silence it or finishing your oponent with mindblast without that in mind you will lose almost every matchup on current ladder.
This is the deck i play! And its fine its not perfect like i said but its fun! Always keep northsire cleric and you’ll be fine
First off all you should be having fun by playing so try it out! Mby your winrate will drop but once in a while it might be a great option! Nevertheless in wild there are far more one drops to make this card consistent with high rng rate it would be too messy im afraid. On the other hand i play odd pally with Prince Liam and i love it! Half of my fack are 1 mana cost cards and after reaching 5-6 mana they are worth less then random legendary card with is fun and makes my games more fresh, also counters Skulking Geist ????