Kurokiba's Comments
The Cavern Below Quest Rogue
Yeah what Tramixor said is correct. The reason is because you wouldn’t want to waste your mana on getting edwin when you can get the quest complete at the same amount of time.
If you wish to use Edwin – check out some Sherazin Miracle Rogues or Miracle Rogues in general
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (January 2025)
I think you just have have bad luck or don’t fully know how to play quest rogue. I’m currently at rank 5 with the quest rogue I made. (from rank 15). You can check out my deck if you want, it’s at the front page or here’s the link http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/the-cavern-below-quest-rogue/
Let me know how it goes!
Hearthstone Budget Decks For The Great Dark Beyond, Cheap Decks for Laddering in Hearthstone!
For the pirate warrior deck – firefly.
The Cavern Below Quest Rogue
I’ve thought of that too! Except the problem against pirate warrior is living long enough to complete the quest and activate it. Sally is 3 mana and doesn’t have immediate board impact nor does it have taunt. Which is why she wasn’t included since she’s too slow and requires turn 6 to use (turn 5 earliest with prep and quest)
Jade Druid Deck List Guide (Post Nerf) - Kobolds - April 2018
In this meta I just add a Golakka due to pirates. 2 mana as well
RayC's Living Mana Egg Token Druid (April 2017, Season 37)
the two pirates are used to counter pirate warrior, if that’s not your concern then 2x argent squire and 1 golakka could work. You’re bound to meet at least 1 pirate warrior a day in the meta. (especially at higher rank). Or you’ll meet at least a couple decks with patches in it for golakka. If you don’t like golakka add in ravasaur runt instead.
Kolento's Midrange Elemental Paladin
Depending on your rank (higher you are the larger the rate of pirate warriors will be)
High rank vs pirate warriors: Gluttonous Ooze – this is because it destroys their weapon and gives you armor. The armor somewhat replaces the healing you would get from wickerflame and mitigate damage (from their weapon) as well as a 3/3 body on a board to possibly remove at least 1 more minion.
Not a lot of pirate warriors? use consecration. wickerflame is a 2/2 with divine shield so if you aren’t up against pirates – consecration, which deals 2 to all minions, somewhat does a similar job or maybe even better.
The Cavern Below Quest Rogue
Adding on to my previous comment –
If you were curious about what kind of deck I’m experimenting for playing against pirate warrior, I removed 1 moroes and 1 fire fly to add in two golakka crawler. However this will make the deck more offensive towards pirate warrior but towards taunt warrior.
The reason for the 2 addition is that Moroes is meant to be played after you get the quest to get great board sustain because of the free 5/5 every end of your turn. However, against pirate warriors it means absolutely nothing if you can’t survive long enough to use it. Therefore I would like to take advantage of golakka crawler’s ability to destroy a pirate. Basically the idea is that you save 1-2 cards in your hand to play golakka then bounce it and wait for the next big pirate to stop them. I’ve managed to use it in this situation a couple times.
Turn 1
Me: quest
pirate warrior (pw): southsea + patches
turn 2
Me:weapon-> southsea
pw: 3/2 weapon (or 2/3 pirate)
turn 3
me: igneous
pw: pirate captain (or 3/3 taunt and a second minion)
turn 4
me :gollaka pirate captain (or whatever was the biggest threat on the board) -> ferryman/brewmaster/shadowstep (whatever you have)
pw: “ASTONISHING” -hesitate- because he knows that you have another golakka in your hand and doesn’t want to play any good pirates but does it anyway cause they want to go face. If they have a 4/3 charge (which isn’t a pirate) it’ll make your situation trickier but you can backstab and face it, trade your minions against it, or eviscerate.
During turn 3 a bunch of combination is possible. If you don’t have golakka you usually would want to play oracle to try to draw it. If you don’t have oracle or golakka Just play a 1 drop minion and return it to your hand by brew or ferryman to keep some board presences.
During turn 2 – if you have shadowstep you are free to play it this turn but I don’t recommend it cause eating a 2/1 or 1/1 is a waste which is what A LOT of people do. And I often get baffled by it cause why would you use it on a 1 health minion when there’s a 2 3/3, 3/4 and a 5/4 pirate coming up. IMO people just get too excited by it cause in their head they go “DIE PIRATE WARRIOR” and play it lol.
Note using this version will cause mulligan to change.
One of my friend used this argument
Him: “but isn’t it harder to complete the quest using golakka?”
me: “Was it hard using novice engineer to complete the quest?”
Him: “but it lets you draw a card”
Me: “and this keeps you safe”
him: “fair enough”
One last tip: if you truly need to use golakka on a 1 hp pirate minion to save yourself then do it. Because there’s an infinite possibility of situations that could happen so it’s your judgement to make.
Budget Frozen Throne Midrange Beast Hunter Deck List Guide 2017
Yes, Savannah Highmane can be substituted for it. I also recommend substituting 1 Tol’vir Warden for 1 Tundra. It’ll make a good endgame finisher.
Budget Frozen Throne Midrange Beast Hunter Deck List Guide 2017
This is standards version
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (January 2025)
Of course! It’s not an obligation to follow the rule, but to prevent any regrets later on it’s generally a good rule to follow.
The Cavern Below Quest Rogue
Pirate warrior are generally Quest rogue’s weakness no matter what version you play (at least currently), because rogue doesn’t have a stable board (minions constantly going back and forth between your hand and the board).
Against pirate warrior, in general pray for prep and vanish. Most of the time you would have to rely on your draws, ferryman and igneous are great to play on the board early game to stop them. You basically have to stall till your quest is done then pirate warrior will be out of juice and you can pretty much trade all your 5/5s against theirs.
For oracle situation against pirates, if you are in danger and you think giving draws to pirate warrior will make it worst. I suggest you to just play it. The main reason is because if you are about to lose, might as well gamble for something that might save you rather than hesitating and not try to fight back. Yes there will be chances that they will draw good cards, but they can also draw bad cards too.
For climbing up ranks, what I do is that I usually switch between decks due to pirate warriors. It lets me keep my win streak stable, if you’ve played a few games without pirate warrior and you feel one coming up, switch to something else maybe taunt warrior or dragon priest to counter them.
Oh and backstab is generally a decent card to keep early on if you can predict that it’ll be a pirate warrior (instead of a taunt warrior). But NEVER waste it on any 1/1 and 2/1, cause the odds of your opponent summoning a 3/3 or an x/3 on turn 3 is very high. Fan of knives – you don’t need to be too stingy with this card, if you can remove at least 2 minions with it – do it. Sometimes even 1 is fine, cause you desperately need the draws.
I’m also trying to come up with something that gives a better fighting chance against pirate warrior but no decks are perfect and are bound to have some form of weakness.
I hope this helps.
Sjow's Un'Goro Quest Taunt Warrior - Rank 1 Legend (April 2017, Season 37)
remove 1 drake, usually only need 1. But “rare” situation does occur. I’ve mainly noticed the need for more than one when facing murloc shaman. Otherwise – it’s not needed that much. If you want a second one – remove armorsmith
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (January 2025)
Hey nickel, the number 1 rule is to never spent all your dust right away for a new expansion – the situation you are in right now is the very reason why. (The advice was also posted on this site before the expansion came out) However, it’s been less than a week since the expansion came out – wait for a bit while more, mage may come back. Quest rogue is currently one of the strongest deck in the meta but that’s because it’s new and no one has actually truly made a deck to counter it just yet. I say give it a bit more time.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (January 2025)
I am disappointed by the paladin set this expansion as well, but I also think we may be jumping the boat too quickly – it’s barely been a week since release, let’s give it a bit more time. They hyped me up too much with Galvadon at the end of those cringy videos, was disappointed by the ability (in terms of my own hype), but was even more disappointed by the quest. Would be a lot better if the quest was to Adapt x amount of time to complete to match Galvadon theme. Paladin is my favorite class as well.
The Cavern Below Quest Rogue
A couple reasons, but mostly personal preference. Igneous is meant to replace Violet Teacher, Violet Teacher is mostly a dead card in your hand but it does have a 3/5 body, I traded it for a 2/3 body for 3 mana in addition to 2 tokens going into my hand. The two tokens going into my hand can be summoned and returned from the board, if you were to use 2 fire fly you only get 1 token at a time each – but if you are returning fire fly to your hand to try to get tokens to complete the quest you might as well just finish it using fire fly instead.
Basically igneous offer a better body to trade and at the same time makes it easier to complete the quest than fire fly.
Example situation: you have 2 cards that can return a minion to your hand but only have igenous as a minion. (this does not count any other minions that you will be drawing or could be drawing). You trade your igneous and now you have 2 1 mana tokens with 2 cards that lets you return them to your hand, lets use one brewmaster or one ferryman and one shadowstep as an example, you play 2 1 mana token (2 mana so far) brew master 1 (4mana) resummon it (5mana) then shadowstep it and summon it (still 5 mana) in a single turnand the total amount of cards you truly use is 3. Igneous – brew – shadowstep. Compare to lets say swashburglar (1mana) -> brew (3mana) ->swash (4mana) ferryman ->(6mana)-> swash (7mana)-> shadowstep (7mana). total cards used – 4. turns required – possibly 1 turn more unless you get good draws and get them all in order.
Igneous requires less cards – trade-able body cause you WANT it to die, and less mana overall.
Typical start for quest rogue – turn 1 quest – turn 2 weapon – turn 3 combo, on turn 3 instead of combo you can igneous and turn 4 kill igenous -> summon tokens and if you have 1 brew/ferryman and 1 shadowstep it’s turn 4 quest completion and turn 5 quest activation
If you want to use 2 firefly, I told a couple of my Hearthstone friends that didn’t have patches to use a second firefly instead and it works just as well.
Hope this explains everything and I was clear enough for you
Dog's Un'Goro Caverns Below Rogue - #1 Legend (April 2017, Season 37)
Glad you enjoyed it!
It’s a possible replacement if you truly need it. But no, generally you’ll have Woecleaver to play on turn 8. Especially with forge of soul. Also most of the time you won’t need it. Cause the goal is to clear early game. By the time you need Drake to clear the board, you are probably already dead. Drawing Sleepy dragon isn’t a problem. Dead man’s hand lets you shuffle it back into your deck. Usually during end game you won’t be using as much clears, just summoning big drops from hand or deck.
Unless you are playing against a slow deck, if you last till turn 8, your chance of winning increases by a lot.