Kukumadeda's Comments
Midrange Jademental Shaman
sorry these days I had no time to update the guide, i’ll do it Today! stay tuned!;)
Midrange Jademental Shaman
yes, because shaman’s Jade Cards are really strong and hard top replace!!!!
Midrange Jademental Shaman
Jade Spirits are too slow in the current meta, while jinyu and fireplume are really strong 4-drops (the first against aggressive decks, the second has a really good sinergy with servant and 2 dmg bc is always good attached to a 3-3 body).
I used to play stone sentinel, but many times it is just a 4-4 for 7 mana (terrible!) while other elemental are still decent even without the battlecry… Tomorrow i will update the guide,so stay tuned!
Really wierd mate, these days I had little time to play but i got rank 4 with little effort… today i will Make a more complete guide so try to read it then try again, i’m sure it will help!!