kroen's Comments
Let’s see: (all of the following effects are over 2 turns, which makes them even worse)
Mage: Deal 2 (extremely bad)
Warrior: Gain 4 armor (bad even for rogue)
Priest: Heal 4 (lol)
Shaman: 2 totems (decent at best)
Warlock: 4 health for 2 cards (probably the best, but good luck getting it consistently)
Demon Hunter: 2 attack (probably the worst one to get)
Druid: 2 attack and 2 armor (like that bad 1 mana druid card… except over 2 turns)
Paladin: Two 1/1s (might be good if it was both upfront, but it’s not)
Hunter: 4 damage (second best, but two good outcomes out of 9 is pretty terrible)
Please, I’d love to know how it’s over 4 stars. I’ll wait.
How is the rating over 4 stars?! How is it even more than 2?
Thinking about it in terms of “it’s 4 mana value” is ridiculous as most hero powers are 0 cost effects. So basically it’s 1 mana get two 0 cost spells except not really spells as they won’t activate combos and other stuff that wants you playing cards.
Mordresh Fire Eye
Just putting it out there that when Jan’alai was spoiled people thought it was trashed. Old habits die hard I guess.
Mordresh Fire Eye
I want to smoke what people who don’t rate this 5 stars are smoking. The deck is going to be so sick it’s going to get nerfed eventually, and you can quote me on that.
Primordial Protector
Easy 5 stras. This is so much better than Spiteful Summoner it’s absurd. And remember, Spiteful Summoner was nerfed for a good chunk of time- to a 7 mana 4/4. So for just 1 mana more, you get +2/+2, AND you draw the spell AND you’re not locked out of using cheap spells.
Circus Amalgam
The powercreep is real. Still probably not constructed material, but who knows.
I’m willing to bet EVERYTHING this gets nerfed to 4 mana. In no universe is a strictly better Arcane Intellect balanced.
Cagematch Custodian
No shit. It would also be better as 30/30. 2 mana 2/2 draw is already good.
Optimistic Ogre
Now I’m waiting for them to make an ogre with “100% chance to attack the wrong enemy”. In some cases it’s actually better than 50%.
Optimistic Ogre
Memes aside, the the minimum stats for it to be CONSIDERED being played is 8/8.
Was about to give it 1 star before realizing it’s 0 mana. Easy 3, as mage can do scary stuff with 0 cost spells.