kr1xus7's Comments
Anyfin Handbuff Paladin
Currently at rank 4 with this deck. Will update as I progress further.
New zoo. Journey standard zoo.
So basically standard zoo but with 1 Clutchmother added and 1 Kabal Courier? I don’t see the value in adding Kabal Courier to a zoo deck. Why wouldn’t it just be two clutchmothers? I feel like that would be a lot more power to the deck.
N'zoth Jade Pirate Rogue
This is almost verbatim (except N’Zoth) that Dog was playing on stream a few days ago. He copied it from some guy on twitter…He called the Deck some guy on twitter.
It is a lot of fun and a pretty cool deck.
Let me know if you tweak it or anything. I am looking to make it a bit better. Still holding at Rank 4 but I haven’t played today since posting it.