KingArrudar's Comments
Crystal Lion
Now that 1/1 deathrattle paladin kobold that puts 3 SR’s in your hand makes sense.
Oaken Summons
The recruit mechanic is random right?
So it could still pull out that fire fly from your deck.
Deck of Wonders
Cards like ticking abomination will never be put in anyones deck, but blizzard added it so that it becomes a trap for people who evolve into it.
Furbolg Mossbinder
I could see this in an evolve deck.
I could also see evolve decks rolling this damn thing.
I am seriously regretting dusting that 2 cost legendary that gains stats from being discarded.
Psychic Scream
Is anyone else concerned about how priest has effective board clears for every single turn?
Grand Archivist
There are plenty of high cost spells that would make this viable.
I would put this in a big priest deck.
Free from amber.
Shadow essence
Arcane Artificer
Good riddance.
Exodia mage has pissed me off to no end this season.
Kathrena Winterwisp
How does the recruit mechanic work if triggered on the opponents turn via deathrattle?
Do you get to wait to make your choice, that way your opponent has to use up all their turn’s time?
Oh please. I beat him with almost a basic deck.
I took 20 dmg to face on turn 1 and then proceeded to dominate with cards like hound master and Savanah highmane.