Kazuto Kirigaya's Comments
Renounce the Darkness | Wild Renouncelock
A fun deck to see you play would be clickpwn’s wild mecha’thun renolock 🙂 I tried substituting cards in it for seemingly better ones but it just didn’t work. the deck itself is on hearthpwn.
Zamos' #1 Legend Malygos Druid (Post Nerf Boomsday)
Because an 8/8, taunt, scary and just mainly overpowered king you put in pretty much any deck because it can’t go wrong.
Zamos' #1 Legend Malygos Druid (Post Nerf Boomsday)
Such a great deck. It got me all the way from rank 19 to 8 in just two days! Spending £180 on classic packs was worth it. 🙂
He is actually very good; you can deal 8 damage instantly instead of giving your opponent a turn to kill him or play a taunt minion and he doesn’t even have a reduced defence which could let oppenents kill him easily. You can very easily keep him alive for 2+ turns, resulting in 16 or more face damage.