kanonieer's Comments
Best Hearthstone Old Gods Decks from Darkmoon Faire
I had the same expectations on C’Thun and early experience in Control Shaman, but I found a deck where it works really nice and I was able to it off on regular basic – No Minion Mage.
Here is list I had a pretty nice run with:
C'thun, the Shattered
It’s going to fit perfectly into Control Shaman. It’s actually feels like that last jigsaw piece, the win condition that Control Shaman lacked for soo long. The 4 5-mana spells will work great with Groundkeeper, and might up number of big spells to make use of Vashj Prime and even King Phaoris. Include Lorekeeper Polkelt for consistent C’thun draw
C'thun, the Shattered
Galakrond Highlander Dragon Warrior
I omitted Roaster because there is some single target removal already.
I will defo replace a few cards when warrior’s Invoke cards are released.
One comment on the cards from mini-set – underwhelming.