Kanapesh's Comments
The Fist of Ra-Den
I think the Earthquake/Scheme strategy of making your board clears actual tempo swings may look appealing, but weapon removal is such an easy thing to find these days that I’d rather bet it’s mostly going to generate multiple cheap-ish legendaries in one or two turns. May be now, might be next rotation, but I think there’s got to be something right now or in the works to make this read “4 mana summon 2-3 free legendaries next turn” more often than not. Got to say, I’m not a big fan of that perspective.
Tavern Brawl - Heart of the Sunwell
Well, it turned out Shirvallah Paladin’s felt even more fun and interactive with double Lay on Hands
Aggro Secret Paladin - Legend (SkyWalker) - Uldum Doom
J’te disais ça juste au cas où tu pensais que personne t’avais cramé à faire le trashtalker systématique (mdr je dislike ttes ses vidéo sava lui fer de la movaise pub lol), après si tu veux continuer en sachant que tu vas passer pour blaireau c’est comme tu veux j’mef
http://prntscr.com/pjsjbq – http://prntscr.com/pjsjg0 – http://prntscr.com/pjsjiv
Aggro Secret Paladin - Legend (SkyWalker) - Uldum Doom
Et toi t’as rien de mieux à faire dans la vie que de le rappeler à tout le monde chaque fois qu’un de ses decks est posté ici
Aggro Paladin - Saviors of Uldum - SkyWalker
Patches, Call to Arms, Divine Favor, where y’all at ? :[
Zephrys the Great Guide - Everything you need to know about the best Hearthstone card ever
If you are at 9 in hand on turn 3, and the board is empty (and you don’t have a “1 mana draw a card” type of card to play first), do we know if Zephrys will prioritize a 1-drop or offering a Mountain Giant ?
Wretched Reclaimer
It curves nicely after Thalnos/Hoarder/etc against greedier decks too
High Priest Amet
Star Aligner set up
4 mana doesn’t die, buff everyone of your minions.’s heallth all the way up to 7 is really cool. I’ m thinking Giggling Inventor, Reborn minions, there’s a lot of good stuff you can do.
Tortollan Pilgrim
That sounds really cool. I don’t know if it’s good, but I like how similar to Spiteful Summoner this looks.
Maybe something with a 9 mana spell, or even the 10 mana spell that comes from the same set, or anything that sounds powerful when you can play it twice in a row really.
Anka, the Buried
I like that it’s a 5/5 for 5 so if you’re in a match-up where tempo matters more, you might be happy to just play it on curve. Also huge payoff cards like this have insane potential but since you need other cards that work well with them, they tend to sit somewhere in the collection until they become viable, similar to Katherina. That’s also the type that gets stronger every set because you can do so much more each time.
Scarlet Webweaver
0 Mana Thundra Rhino
0 Mana Witchwood Grizzly
1 Mana Savannah Highmane
1 Mana second copy of itself
2 Mana Amani War Bear
4 Mana Oondasta
4 Mana King Krush
Now hitting a cheap beast with this can sometimes feel punishing too, so I’d say it sounds like an overall powerful card that still requires you to play and/or build accordingly around it in order to get the right payoff. Love it
Dinotamer Brann
So much tempo on 7, and you can use 3 mana after you played it, and god knows what Hunter can do out of 3 mana. Now we have yet to find a deck for it.
Sir Finley of the Sands
This seems really nice in Shirvallah, although that would mean you can mostly not win against Warrior outside of specialist.
I guess if this can be made cheaper or summoned any other way than spending 9 mana, this could be brutal