Kaizzer's Comments
Galakrond Warlock - #12 Legend (WEStone) - Scholomance
First things first… Handlock found its giant! And it’s no minor event. No more crazy tapping for nothing… no more forced life loss as you can finally progress to flesh giant even when you GAIN life… and it keeps being a cheap cast even after a turn when you have to play a lot of cards…
Flavor wise… the deck tastes like someone took the old handlock… resurrected it like Dr. Frankenstein would do… and added some augments to it for good measure… We now have boeard clears… sick spot removals that also build tempo… card draw… ways to populate… you reallt can’t ask for more out of a hs deck..
It litterallt craps on pure paladin which is something i love… can easily beat ramp druid and has more tahn a fighting chance Vs aggro. I didn’t play vs priest tho i think we are at disadvantage there… but you gotta have bad matchups in this game… unless you want to play priest which is a life sentence to… well… no life… so…
sorry for all the mistyping… i wrote out of impulse and enthusiasm