JustYourAveragePayToWin's Comments
Bazaar Burglary
This is a very good quest. The requirement is not too steep, and the reward is a ridiculously good. 4/5
Khartut Defender
No, you still can’t. If I have a 2/2 and my opponent has a 1/4, that 1/4 is going to take 4 damage to get rid of the 2/2. This doesn’t mean my 2/2 is considered a 4/2.
Since you can’t have the attack stat on the board at the same time, I can’t deal 6 damage with it unless the same minion trades into it twice.
Still a 3/5
Great, another card for my Control Shudderwock deck. Though, this fits pretty much anywhere. 5/5
King Phaoris
Mages generally like to CC on their Sea Giants, because 10 cost minions are very good right now. This is a very poorly stated 10-drop so Mages don’t have as much consistency when CC’ing their Sea Giants.
King Phaoris
Fits right into Control Shudderwock Shaman. I play this deck and consistently have stacked removal spells in my hand all the time. 4/5
Khartut Defender
You can’t count it as 6 attack because that attack stat is never on the board at the same time. It’s a 3/5 that restores 6 health.
Flame Ward
Works like a Flamestrike, but 1 less damage for 4 less mana. Good lord, 5/5
Tomb Warden
Oh no, sHuDdErWoCk CoMbOs!
This is the card that pushes taunt Warrior. Even outside of that archetype this will see play. 5/5
Shadow of Death
Ok, so they didn’t fire the guy who named the card “Dark Whispers” from the Old Gods set.
This has serious value, playing this on any deathrattle minion is actually quite insane. I’m going to love cheating out 3 Kel’Thuzads in Wild. 5/5
Pharaoh Cat
Gee, Bliz is really ripping Paladin of their reborn minions. This would totally be a better Paladin card. This is about as good as Fire Fly, and I can definitely see Rogue playing this even outside a reborn deck. 5/5
Mortuary Machine
Silence Priest, Aggro, Mech decks. This fits in a lot of places. I would consider this to better than Bittertide, but it probably won’t see play out side of some tier-3 decks. 3/5
Embalming Ritual
Reborn does NOT stack! It’s been confirmed by devs, it’s like giving a minion Divine Shield when they already have it, it doesn’t work. Still though, putting this on any large card with a decent deathrattle is serious value. 4/5
Conjured Mirage
I immediately thought of Quest Warlock when I saw this. Then I remembered that Quest Warlock can already go infinite with Plot Twist + Elekk, so this is irrelevant outside of Silence Priest. 2/5
Bone Wraith
Will not see constructive play outside of experimentation with Quest Paladin. It’s about the power level of Shieldmasta but with reborn synergy. 2/5
Pharaoh's Blessing
Where are my R E B R O N minions. Paladin is not looking good this expansion. 3/5
Would you look at that, I was right.