JRbbx's Comments
Paladin Whispers (Secret Pally)
Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it a lot 🙂
I guess I’ve just been super unlucky against Odd Rogue as by turn 4 their board is too much for me to handle – not even Call to Arms could pull me back. I’ll definitely try to stay in my Odd Rogue matchups now!
Paladin Whispers (Secret Pally)
Keep going mate, you’ll get there. I’ll update the description with matchups now.
Murloc Druid - Rastakhan Post-Nerf - #46 Legend (den)
and I thought murloc mage was stupid lmao
BuckNaztyZB's #1 Legend Warlock Zoo - July 2018
I’ve been playing rush warrior with Void Ripper and it’s safe to say that Void Ripper is the hidden MVP. Void Ripper has several uses. Quest Warrior drops a fat taunt boi? Void Ripper makes getting past that way easier. It’s also very useful for damage. This deck runs several minions with more health than attack, like Saronite Chain Gang, Firefly (and Flame Elemental), Voidwalker, and Deathspeaker. Having a board of these low threat minions can win you the game since dropping Void Ripper allows you to smack face for a lot of damage, plus, it’s generally unexpected and can really surprise your opponent. Definitely a card I’d recommend to use tbh.
Spectral Cutlass ft. MVP Pick Pocket
We tried Ravencaller over a few days and it didn’t work out at all. It seems to be too inconsistent, even for this deck.
Spectral Cutlass ft. MVP Pick Pocket
If you’ve got any of the other legendaries I mentioned, such as Lich King, Lilian Voss, Arfus or Face Collector, then sub those in for Greenskin. If not, then sub in Preparation if you’ve got that, and if you don’t, maybe a Shadowstep, or whatever you think can fit into the deck.
Spectral Cutlass ft. MVP Pick Pocket
Never thought about Ravencaller, but it could potentially be really helpful. Mizore and I’ll test it out as soon as we can. Thanks
Spectral Cutlass ft. MVP Pick Pocket
Surprisingly I’ve had a relatively decent winrate in ranked with it. Currently sitting with a 53% winrate with this deck. The good thing about this deck is you don’t necessarily have to rely on Spectral Cutlass to win you the game, unlike a Kingsbane deck where if that card gets milled, you’re done. I seem to be extremely lucky and consistent with my rng pulls from thief cards so maybe that’s why I’ve been doing so good, but just keep in mind that if you lose Cutlass, you’re not out the game. Like you said, hopefully we’ll see a competitive Cutlass deck bc it’ll definitely be a lot of fun.
Findan's Witchwood Rush Tempo Warrior (April 2018)
currently sporting a 77% winrate with this deck
Voodoo Doll
*Mage plays Explosive Runes*
*I play Voodoo Doll on one of their minions*
Deadly Arsenal
I’m definitly going to be pushing for tempo warrior and quest baku warrior to be a part of the meta so keep an eye out for us warrior cunts tryna make shit work xD
Coffin Crasher
completely forgot dragonlord’s rotating out but I’m excited for this card
Coffin Crasher
turn 10 summon umbra then coffin crasher, pulls out deathwing dragononlord, summons a field of dragons
The Witchwood Guide, Release Date, Card Spoilers List, Monster Hunt
bring back quest warriorrrrrr
Wild Kingsbane Mill Rogue ft. Goblin Auto-Barber
I wouldn’t call this deck particularly the “best one”. Personally I can’t stand playing standard KB decks; I really just don’t like Southsea Squidface at all, and sometimes Naga Corsair feels like a dead drop so I tried to make this deck in wild and this is the result. I’ve mentioned that adding in other minions, like Vilespine, Doomsayer or even Edwin, makes playing Elven Minstrel a lot more inconsistent. With this deck, we’re looking to buff our Kingsbane as much as possible, as fast as possible, whilst cycling through our deck with Coldlight Oracle and stalling with the few stall cards I’ve included.
As for investing into this deck, if you do decide to invest and craft the cards, you’ll basically have most of the cards needed to play standard Kingsbane anyways if you decide you either don’t like this version or if you want to play Standard. For climbing in Wild, it’s not the best choice, seeing as though this deck suffers terribly against the extremely fast aggro decks (for example, with this deck I’d have a lower win rate against aggro or dude pally than murloc pally or aggro shaman). If you’ve got the dust and plan to play a lot more Kingsbane in the future, crafting this deck isn’t a bad decision. Otherwise, hold out until next expansion and decide whether you want to craft this deck then. I’ll probably end up creating an updated version for the next expansion if Blizzard provide us with more cards to benefit Kingsbane.
You can technically play without Tarim, yes, but it’s a big loss tbh. I don’t know if I’d recommend crafting him as he’ll rotate in April. You can replace him with Leeroy, Mojomaster Zihi, or realistically any aggressive card that you would’ve seen in the Kobolds and Catacombs’ Aggro Pally decks, like Blessing of Might or Lost in the Jungle (which benefits greatly from Tarim if you don’t draw it really early). Maybe a Spikeridged Steed could work. If you try out any of these, let me know how it goes, I’m always trying to improve my decks 🙂