JoyDivision's Comments
(Live Now) Hearthstone 32.0 Patch Notes - Into the Emerald Dream, Pre-Release Brawl, Community Days, Standard, Wild & Arena Updates, In-Game Events
Maybe a dumb question but: Am I allowed to compete in the Prerelease Brawl if I didn’t buy any bundles?
The Ceaseless Expanse Has Been Banned in Wild Format
Make the Expanse cost 0 when it’s in your deck!?
What Decks Will Be Playable in The Great Dark Beyond Pre-Release Brawl?
‘…No player will be able to have a full collection for this event, and your odds of picking up a build-around Legendary or Epics are also limited. If you manage to get some, that’s great, but you will largely rely on the existing sets and Common and Rare cards from the new set…’
Which makes those kind of events unfair by nature. 1st it’s somewhat pay 2 win (albeit limited), 2nd there will be players that get ‘lucky’ in what they open and others will be ‘unlucky’. Idk what to think about this … well, at least one attempt is free.
(Updated) Dreamplanner Zephrys' Travel Tour Card Pools, What "Potentially Perfect" Cards Can You Get?
Hm. If mana, board state etc. isn’t considered, I wonder why they made him so complicated by offering multiple cards that practically do the same.
Shop Update: Mini-Set, New & Returning Skins (including Mythic Ragnaros), Signature & Card Pack Bundles, Tavern Tickets
60 bucks for Ragnaros… I mean, it looks cool and all (albeit not as cool as C’Thun) but… 60 BUCKS!
The Traveling Travel Agency Card Reveals - Reveal Schedule, Full List of Cards From the Perils in Paradise Mini-Set
Hm. Then, for sake of clarity, I think they should’ve ‘flavored’ them in the same way.
The Traveling Travel Agency Card Reveals - Reveal Schedule, Full List of Cards From the Perils in Paradise Mini-Set
Albeit from a possible animation I don’t get the difference between those flip cards and those ‘music’ spells that changed their mode every turn (Harmonic Pop etc.)!?
Top Standard & Wild Legend Decks - Whizbang's Workshop (Week 5) - April 2024
It doesn’t really belong here, but my weekly quests for this week aren’t adjusted – they’re still ‘triple the fun’…
Whizbang's Workshop Rewards Track Refresh Details + New Level 100 Skin Rewards!
Thx for the answer!
Whizbang's Workshop Rewards Track Refresh Details + New Level 100 Skin Rewards!
Just to make sure (once again, because I simply can’t memorize ): It is better to 1st buy the Rewards Track and claim the Level 1 Legendary so that if I open it, I can exchange it for another one, right!?
Shop Update: Harth Stonebrew Bundle & Signature Bundle
Happy 10th anniversary, cashcows.
Erm we mean… players.
Puzzlemaster Khadgar
I think it isn’t worth including it in Wild Reno Quest Mage, but the Mirrorball spells do count towards the quest, right?
Whizbang's Workshop Guide - New Hearthstone Expansion - Card Reveals, Release Date, New Mechanics, and More!
Yeah this works. Wait ’til the expansion is released, profit. Even better if you already have a full Standard collection because then it’s like you open a pack from the new edition.
Corridor Sleeper Is a Threat to the Free-to-Play Hearthstone Experience
tbh, all that early access bulls**t annoys me much more than this superbad epic card.
I agree with all statements here that this nonetheless is a very disturbing trend. Regarding the lacking outrage… as sad as it is, I think that nobody is expecting anything positive from Blizz anymore. People just don’t care, they just stop buying / playing. I bought both preorders for years now, but for this expansion, I already planned to bring it down to ‘just’ buying the bigger one – and I’ll do so in March, regardless of the card that is Sleeper Creeper. When Blizz does more of this nonsens, I’ll just stop buying product and turn to other games *shrug*.
(Updated) Another "Mystery Puzzle" Achievement Has Been Released After 4 Expansions
Maybe a dumb question but where do I find the solution for ‘This or That’?
I only saw some YT videos where there’s a lot of guessing what the actual solution is.
Tavern Brawl - Lunar Blessings!
Death Knight with Blessing of the Pig is kinda silly. Had a Raid Boss Onyxia in play on turn 5, plus 7 fresh coins.
What Does the End of Duels Game Mode Tell Us About the Future of Hearthstone?
The simple problem is that – besides Battlegrounds – every other game mode Blizzard released was either bad or badly executed. E.g. Mercenaries could’ve been marvelous if it took inspiration from classics like Slay the Spire and be less greedy with monetization as it was (I still remember the Diablo presale desaster).
So, the simple solution is to create good game modes.
Announcing Battlegrounds Season 6 - 32 New Minions, 3 Heroes and 42 Spells (New Mechanic), Releasing December 5
Some nitpicking here but shouldn’t it say ‘… bringing back 5 old minions …’ or simply ‘… 5 minions …’? Because if I understand correctly, those aren’t new, but recurring!?
Hearthstone 28.0.3 Patch Notes - Constructed & Battlegrounds Balanace Changes, Bug Fixes
That’s the reason I scrolled down to the comment section… Coin is the same issue, right? It’s crazy that this is still unsolved, even it is just cosmetics.
I can add to that:
[Mobile, iPad] Journal Button (Sigil with Raptor Head) not visible, but pushable.