Josse's Comments
Odd Rogue Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Forgot to mention: under the “card substitutions” title, it reads “Kobold Scalebane”, which should be “Cobalt Scalebane”.
Odd Rogue Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Any replacements for Vilspine Slayer, Leeroy and Ooze?
Odd Paladin Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
It’s a cheap deck, and it has quite fast games, so it’s a good ladder deck.
That being said it’s not a god tier deck lile Even Paladin, which is the best deck right now.
Worthless for tournaments, yet still good on ladder (kind of like Zoo).
Budget Combo Dragon Priest Deck List Guide (Rastakhan's Rumble)
However after the meta settled, the deck seems to be close to tier 3-4…
Yet still good, however Baku (Odd) Paladin is a better option with approx. The same cost.
Odd Paladin Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Invested in it, still without Level Up but I’ll add it in the future, but currently still 240 dust short of the full version.
I might get it after dusting my wild decks.
Odd Paladin Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
And oh yeah: Which is more necessary, Corridor Creeper or Level up?
Odd Paladin Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
How good is this deck right now?
Is it worth investing in (F2P)?
Untill what rank is it viable, and is it hard to pilot?
Budget Combo Dragon Priest Deck List Guide (Rastakhan's Rumble)
As a Wild payer, I included the Shadow Visions, removed Wyrmguard for Drakonid Operative (didn’t open any), and took out one Bone Drake for Lady in White.
Works great!
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (January 2025)
Zoo FeelsBadMan
Ouate's Warlock Zoo - HCT Toronto at ELGX 2018
In what way are those different, then?
Cubelock featuring Lord Godfrey and voodoo doll
Seems cool! As an aggro player, I do just not want Witchwood to be released. Zoolock seems to be getting some new tools though, but with Lord Godfrey they just seem to have made Twisting Nether one mana cheaper.
Big Priest Deck List Guide (Post Nerf) - Kobolds - April 2018
No decks ‘die’ after the rotation. There’s such thing as ‘wild’, which I’m wondering why it’s so unpopular…
Siki's #99 Legend Tempo Rogue (March 2018)
Never after the nerfs…
In a control deck, maybe, but 8 mana is not usable for tempo decks.
I’d say fungalmancer, it is surprisingly good.
Witching Hour
Great card! Barnes into witchwood grizzly, resummon.
Ez big ez druid. (I know Barnes rotates but wild)
Warlock Zoo Deck List Guide - Witchwood - August 2018
Strange, I don’t think Twisting Nether works that good in this deck… Second Tar Creeper would be my first thought.
In the end, if it’s working for you, that’s what matters.
Good luck, Zoolock colleague!
I can see you know really little about this game.
Cubelock was one of the hardest decks in the pre-nerf meta to master, and you could actually beat it fairly easily by choosing the right decks, as most people you where seeing on ladder just couldn’t play with it.
And it was indeed maybe a bit good, but yet really skill intensive and it required hours and hours of practice.