Jonnychill1331's Comments
Hagatha the Witch
1. There will be 27 shaman spells after rotation and only 4 of them are actually bad/useless in the late game (unless your playing murlocs then only 2 bad spells) so that means you have an 85% chance of getting a good spell that you can find a use for, and on the off chance you don’t get a good spell you can just get another spell because the effect never goes away for the rest of the game your opponent cant remove it
2. Yeah you have to pay the spells mana cost but most Shaman spells are cheap
Hagatha the Witch
I think you mean ancestral healing and honestly getting that card in the late game for free really isn’t that bad since you can value trade a minion and then heal it and give it taunt for 0 mana. There will be 27 Shaman spells left after rotation (not counting the hew ones they will add) and 23 of them are actually good especially when you get the for free for just playing a minion. That means that 86% of the time you will get a good spell and on the off chance you don’t guess what you can just do it again the hero power cannot be removed by your opponent and it never goes away
Hagatha the Witch
Hand size doesn’t really limit you since you can just play a spell to free up more space
Hagatha the Witch
Runespear is different it casts the spells with random targets and you only get three, most of shamans spells are actually pretty useful when they aren’t casted with random targets. Hex, lightning bolt, lightning storm, windfury, unstable evolution, far sight, healing rain, avalanche, spirit echo, forked lightning, frost shock, earth shock, feral spirits, can all get pretty good value and those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head
Hagatha the Witch
This comment just makes no sense I mean you can just play the spells and free up space in your hand so no cards get burned…….
Jonnychill's Wild Greymane Shaman
If you find yourself needing card draw ancestral knowledge would be good or Cult Master. This deck wont really work until Greymane and Murkspark eel come out in the next expansion. If you wanna try it out before then I would add in Tunnel Trogg and Sir Finley
Jonnychill's Wild Greymane Shaman
Totally agree when it comes to overload I was thinking the same thing when I was deciding what decks might be good. I honestly didn’t even think of fallen sun cleric kinda forgot about him. He would probably be better in aggro matchups since he gives the extra health stat, lance carrier might be better in control matches especially if you stick his buff on a zipomatic. I will have to playtest both and see which one performs better overall. Definitely adding him in the card sub section, thanks!
Black Cat
Best of the 4 cards revealed. Even without the card draw its an okay 3 drop and in a Baku deck its a better azure drake which was a great card in mage. We probably need a couple more good odd cost cards to make the deck competitive but I have a feeling this year’s expansions will provide them
Gloom Stag
I agree we already have some 4/7 taunts like nesting rock and avian watcher that dont see much play and this only adds 1 more health at a much bigger cost. Plus druids odd pool of cards isnt the best as of right now
Murkspark Eel
Very strong card, looking at the current even cost shaman cards in standard the strongest deck im seeing is a greymore tempo elemental shaman. This card would fit in that deck along with fire plum phoenix, flametoung totem, tolvir stoneshaper, Fire Elemental and kalimos. Grumble and fire plum harbinger can be used to manipulate mana costs and fill the odd turns. Maybe the new hero card will fit in as well
Ixlid Combo Jade 83% win rate
Fandral is obviously a strong card but how necessary is he in this deck since there are only 3 cards that synergize with his effect? I just started playing druid recently so I don’t have many of the older legendaries and I would like to avoid crafting them if I can since they are rotating but I would like to try this deck out
Canttell's Spell Priest ft Dragon soul (Rastakhan)
Cool deck, how necessary is benedictus in your opinion? Do you think i could replace him with Lich King or Elise or do you usually find yourself needing all the extra cards
New Aggro Secret Mage | Season 47 | After Nerfs
Medivh’s valet is a very good card in secret mage because it is cheap and flexible since it can be used for burn or tempo swings, if you were going to play the list without it I’d say sub in a second sorcerors apprentice and wolfrider. Another alternative is a potion of polymorph to help against controll warlock if you are playing against alot of those
Jonnychill's Big Spell Mage (Theorycraft)
Yeah I really want to add medivh but it depends how much weapon hate people start running after this expansion, I was thinking of trying medivh plus a rummaging cobald to get atiesh back for more value
Bladed Gauntlet
Yeah I guess that’s true good point I didn’t think of it that way, it usually was used to remove minions With the exception of the occasional war axe that was upgraded by upgrade and the pirate cultist going face after removing your early minions
So I was curious about the clarifications on two things:
First since “It keeps any enchantments” is its own sentence on the card does that mean it keeps enchantments when it gets returned to you hand by doomerang?
Second since it doesn’t actually get destroyed and just returns to your deck will rummaging kobold give you another copy or would his battlecry do nothing because this weapon never really was destroyed?
Bladed Gauntlet
Also I’m glad this isn’t the legendary weapon, kinda thought it was for a minute
I do have one question, if this attacks and kills a 5/4 will it gain the 2/2 and survive with 1 health? I know that’s how finja worked with the old murloc warleader