Joel's Comments
Sjow's Dragon Warrior w/The Curator - #1 Legend (August 2016, Season 29)
floods the board when your board is empty
Zetalot's Barnes Resurrect Priest (August 2016, Season 29)
Use them separately Priest of the Feast for healing with any spells and soulpriest for board control
Amaz's Resurrect Barnes Control Priest (August 2016, Season 29)
baron geddon replacement?
MrYagut's #13 Legend Midrange Hunter (August 2016, Season 29)
Kill command activator, trades up with buffs like abusive/houndmaster and leaves a 3/2 body. Also one of the better outcomes from barnes since you get 3/4 + 1/1 + 3/2 for 4 mana. NEW 4 mana 7/7!
Thijs' Freeze Mage – Hearthstone EU Summer Prelims 2016
Would you recommend adding flame strike for ladder because i feel like this is quite weak to the current meta
Muzzy's N'Zoth Patron Warrior (August 2016, Season 29)
On twitter he says it has good matchup’s against Dragon Warrior and Druid :).
SilentStorm's Top 25 Legend C'Thun Warrior (July 2016, Season 28)
Fiery war axe, disciple of C’thun, ravaging ghoul, acolyte, elise, C’thun’s chosen. Just try to play early minions < 4 drops to control the board plus use brawls/ravaging ghouls and revenge. Usually you will get low health which can help you get the 3 damage revenge which is almost like a flamestike.
Chessdude's Questing Adventurer Miracle Rogue (September 2016, Season 30)
I could use some help with mulligans. I’m kinda new to rogue :).
Tylerootd's Top 10 Legend Yogg Druid (July 2016, Season 28)
I’ve got Cenarius in my deck right now. Do you think its worth crafting Onyxia?
OTK Worgen Combo Warrior Deck List Guide (July 2016, Season 28)
which decks are good against this deck?
Frodan's Ancestral Control Shaman - SeatStory Cup V
I’d say its almost as important because Hallazeal plus elemental destruction can heal like 30 hp
Midrange Shaman Deck List Guide (December 2016, Standard) - Season 33, Gadgetzan Meta
On his twitter on July the 5th
Midrange Shaman Deck List Guide (December 2016, Standard) - Season 33, Gadgetzan Meta
Vlps updated his list for the meta: -1 Mana tide – 2 Flamewreathed faceless, + 1 Thunder Bluff Valiant + 2 Lightning Bolt :).
Midrange Shaman Deck List Guide (December 2016, Standard) - Season 33, Gadgetzan Meta
good for draw and also works well with lightning storm
Fr0zen's Yogg Druid - DreamHack Summer 2016
Yogg is often a board clear and card draw, which are both a struggle for druid in general. Since there are quite a few spells in the deck it makes perfect sense to fit in Yogg.
I’ve tried Medivh Tempo mage and it seems a bit too slow and unreliable.