Joco's Comments
Renathal Prestor Druid - #13 Legend (iGxc) - Throne of Tides
Also Smothering Starfish is played to silence your dragons so they regain their original stats.
Balance Update 21.3 For Constructed - 5 Nerfs, 7 Buffs, 1 Rework, 1 Ban - Releasing Tomorrow (September 21)
Quest Mage is still better and probably the best deck after all these changes done.
Balance Update 21.3 For Constructed - 5 Nerfs, 7 Buffs, 1 Rework, 1 Ban - Releasing Tomorrow (September 21)
DH hit feels like a slap on the wrist while Shaman got hit hard. DH quest is the easiest and fastest to complete. Brute will be probably dropped but OTK variants will return since the game slowed down.
Shaman always had a hard time to complete it’s quest. Now you need 9 overload cards to get it done.
I do like the warlock changes though. We might be seeing Tickatus again.
21.0.3 Balance Update - Eight Constructed Card Nerfs + Five Battlegrounds Hero Buffs - Coming Tomorrow (August 17)
Il’gynoth OTK has been around for way too long. About time it got axed.
Finally you can play Draconic Studies with Priest Quest.
How Good Will Questlines Be in United in Stormwind?
10. Druid: Difficult to complete. If you wanna attack with your hero just play DH.
9. Demon Hunter: Agree with the article on this one.
8. Rogue: SI:7 cards aren’t very impressive and you have to play a lot in your deck. Aggro (weapon) and tempo (miracle) rogue will be faster and better so why would you play control?
7. Paladin: While the rewards are decent they lack in comparison with the other classes. Aggro paladin might be good with this quest.
6. Warrior: Pirate warrior is back with some powerful support. This is guaranteed to see play.
5. Hunter: While I don’t think it’s the best one it is indeed a powerful questline if completed. But giving up your turn 1 to play a spell instead of a minion hurts your aggro game plan.
4. Mage: Surprisingly underrated. The only problem is the lack of decent frost spells but there are many options to draw or discover them.
3. Priest: While this quest will take some time to complete it isn’t as difficult as it seems at first sight with how many discover cards priest has access to. Priest game style will stay the same with an overpowered win condition against control matchups.
2. Shaman: The new support is great with the questline. This will be a difficult deck to figure out but once it’s done no doubt it will be a powerful one.
1. Warlock: Quest is extremely easy to complete. The final reward is a clear win condition over time. Both aggro and control will play it.
1-2 Overpowered
3-6 Great
7-10 Underwhelming.
Ramp Paladin - #10 Legend (Zyrios) - Darkmoon Races
Good stats and taunt. Also works well with N’zoth.
You can only use each ability once while it’s on the board.