JKoala's Comments
Potential Nerfs to Demon Hunter, Sacrificial Pact, Bad Luck Albatross, Frenzied Felwing, Kael'thas Sunstrider, Quest Mage & Darkest Hour Warlock
Why nerf Sacrificial Pact? Just change the fact that playing Jaraxxus makes it a ‘Hero’ instead of a ‘Demon’.
Easy. Otherwise, SacPac is just a situational card that works nice in this meta because of the “demon” theme.
Tavern Brawl - All-Star Squad
Easy wins with Pogo.
I read above that’s a slow start? As soon as turn 4, if you are “lucky” enough, you have a 1/1, 3/3, 5/5, 7/7 and 9/9 on board.
Maybe your weakest Pogos are dead, but no card can counter the 7/7 and 9/9 Pogos at turn 3 and 4. Lame. No one plays Silence Shaman and still, that’s a winnable matchup that depends on RNG Hero Power and class cards.
Resurrect Priest - #27 Legend (Dabs) - Descent 2nd Nerf
Waterbearer, Plague x1, Vargoth, Psychopomp… and even half of the taunt minions are useless.
Hakkar and Elysiana are there just for lols. Maybe only to win against combo Paladin and Control Priest, which are not so high tier enough.
Cloning Gallery is useless if you include lower tier Minions with the sole purpose of making a wider board.
Reading comments I can see this deck is strong, but can be stronger if you focus on making this a Big Rez deck, instead of a mix of lot of things.
But again, in practice some decks just work surprisingly and stupidly good.
Big Shaman - Rise of Shadows - #3 Legend (BoarControl)
This deck has literally 0 defense until turn 5. I don’t know what was the initial rank and how many aggro decks it faced but… well yeah, it’s not the kind of deck i’d consistently play.
Tempo Rogue - Rise of Shadows - #1 Legend (Kuroma)
I have no offense or rude intentions but this deck was created by RDU, it’s not like a few cards were changed, it’s 100% the very same version.
On second though, well I wouldn’t say this is a “tempo deck”. This is more like get Prep + Raiding and well… yeah… raid your opponent’s face. This is extremely SMOrc, although you may think the opposite ’cause the “value-combo” plays you make sometimes.
Tempo Rogue - Rise of Shadows - #1 Legend (Kuroma)
Oh well I forgot, you can replace it for Sprint, but that’s simply way worse and expensive. You can try Baron Togwaggle, I don’t know your collection, just add something that gives you cards and some more steam to keep SMOrcing for a few turns.
Tempo Rogue - Rise of Shadows - #1 Legend (Kuroma)
From now on and until it rotates out, Myra’s gonna be almost essential in every SMOrc deck. For 5 / 2 mana you get up to 10 cards, which many times it means your final push to finish off your opponent.
If Rogue gets some more defensive cards it may even see play in miracle or combo decks.
If Rogue is one of your most played classes you should craft Myra’s.
Hmmm yeah, turn 10 I play this guy and get what? A random free spell? What if the “random free spell” is not what I need?
If I need a Pyroblast to end the game, wouldn’t it be better to just include a Pyroblast? Same with clear. I play a 4/12 then a free Flamestrike and then what?
I’ve just played a 4/12 in turn 10. Then a Priest plays 6 mana, and Forbidden Words. Or Execute / Shield Slam / Smod. Lancer / Shrink Ray / Sheep / Frog / Just a lot of face damage. Bye Kalecgos
Clap, nice bait but no, thanks. 2/5 at best without knowing more cards that would come up.
Hagatha's Scheme
Four turns sitting in your hand to start being playable? 4/5? Wtf guys?
Against aggro, you have to hard mulligan for this and pray you’re not dead / half-dead by turn 4-5.
I’d say this card is better against midrange or control decks but it all depends on how many turns has it been in your hand, waiting for the best moment / the moment you can’t hold it anymore because you have to survive.
2.5/5 to me.
Tavern Brawl - Brawliseum - Miniature Warfare
Added Nightblade x1, taking out Gnomish Inventor x1 (you can just Tap for 1 more mana).
Finished 11-3. Maybe just luck, I drawed early Alexstrasza 40% games.
Tavern Brawl - Brawliseum - Miniature Warfare
Had fun and at least tried a rather “interactive” and original, selfmade deck.
Runs so far are 7-3, 9-3, 8-3 and 9-3 so I guess it kinda works.
Deck focuses in several ways of pushing a lot of damage, easier if you’ve already played Alexstrasza obviously. But the point is you can develop your combos faster than it seems, and you have some nice deffense against “zoo” decks. OTK games are a lottery tbh, so it all depends on how fast you draw damage, forgetting about combos.
It might do even more damage adding Nightblade or something like that, but would affect cycle / deffense. Bit expensive. Good luck and have fun if you feel like trying it.
### Brawl Deck
# Class: Warlock
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Raven
# 2x (1) Mortal Coil
# 2x (1) Soulfire
# 1x (1) The Soularium
# 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
# 2x (2) Defile
# 1x (2) Tainted Zealot
# 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon
# 2x (4) Arena Treasure Chest
# 2x (4) Gnomish Inventor
# 2x (4) Sandbinder
# 2x (4) Spellbreaker
# 2x (5) Despicable Dreadlord
# 1x (6) Dread Infernal
# 2x (6) Frost Elemental
# 1x (6) Glinda Crowskin
# 1x (7) Baron Geddon
# 2x (7) Blazecaller
# 1x (7) Lord Godfrey
# 1x (9) Alexstrasza
# 1x (9) Malygos
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Odd Warrior - Rastakhan Post-Nerf - Top 200 Legend (Youhit)
Dragons are bigger but less adaptative. Even if this deck was top20 legend, just don’t bother to play control Warrior.
If you want to figt the meta, then go for a non-odd Warrior or either go a Quest Warrior or even a Rush Warrior. The more damage output, the better.
Even Token Druid - Rank 5 w/ 73% Winrate
The idea is nice, but sadly the Spellstone is a key card against every deck, you can’t compare a 1-mana 1-dmg Hero Power with the 4-6 damage of the Spellstone, even if Hero Power is “infinite”.
The DK is also too powerful to ignore, same as the tempo of playing a Nourish and a Tyrant for free…
Anyway it’s always nice to do new things and try by our own. The surprise factor can win you some games and you use to play at your best with a deck of your own. So I voted you possitive.
Token Druid - Boomsday - #89 Legend (NyanCat)
With the Inventors and tokens I think I’d cut one Spreading Plague to add The Lich King.
Floop’s Gloop can make some crazy plays possible and the lack of a big guy is like halving the potential.
Just IMHO. Maybe I’m losing something with the meta, but if our goal is flooding the board anyway, missing one Plague won’t hurt.
Boomsday Legend Mech Hunter (Demigod) ft. Boommaster Flark
I think Galvanizer is not too useful, maybe in a couple games can make you optimize mana but… I’d add a couple Animal Companions, there’s some value for clearing, go face or buff your mechs with Leokk.
I also suppose he doesn’t have Zilliax, maybe a logic change instead of one Wargear.
SteveD's #1 Legend Boomsday Even Warlock
Even Warlock is more a Midrange deck than Control. Your first goal is to play a 3-mana 8/8 guy and then a 4-mana 4/9.
So the wincon of this deck is either resist aggro decks or burn OTK pieces while setting up some pressure on board.
And right now 90% of decks are aggro or combo. I don’t know how useful Mossy Horror can be, but cut that card and maybe another one, and just add two Gnomeferatu, and you’ll be ready to have real chances to beat 90% of decks in ladder.
Thief Rogue Deck List Guide (Academic Espionage) - Boomsday - August 2018
Sadly in this meta, you either go aggro/midrange or you OTK your opponent.
This deck can be funny and unique and of course will get you some wins, but will also lose to combo decks unless you’re incredibly lucky with the random cards.
Oh, and Myra’s will go trhough your entire deck leaving you with NO draw. So who cares about 1-mana super cards if you can only play 1 per turn? I’d prefer the old good (and boring, yeah) Auctioneer.
Kranich's #12 Legend Combo Mage - Boomsday Project
Stalling without Ice Block (nor Reno or any healing) is impossible with the power level of almost any deck in the current meta.
That’s why I think he choose to destroy more than stall. And with a strong early game (Wyrm, Shooting Star, Apprentice, Mirror Image…) you can either get close to the lethal or deffend yourself.
High Legend deck made to counter specific decks.
You can pray to RNGesus and get another Ysera from Emerald Explorer and maybe (if you’re not dead and the Res Priest can’t deal with 3 turns of Big boards) you can win some games.
One by one threat decks aren’t good anymore when a spell druid fills the board every turn with potential lethal combos.