Jirwin's Comments
Flobbidinous Floop
well, this makes the best deck in hearthstone (maly druid alooot better)
Menacing Nimbus
There are alot of bad elementals, some ok ones, aloooooot of bad ones *cough cough magma rager*
Druid of the Scythe
theres a 2 mana 1/5 taunt in druid which saw alot of play and isnt as good as a 2/4 BUT the 1 mana probs makes it alot worse
Druid of the Scythe
I think the flexibility almost makes up for the lack of face damage
Druid of the Scythe
some people like playing around with cards like this, in a world where druids care about beasts i think this could see play and theres 2 more sets to provide synergy for it, dont get salty about a card when you havent seen its support or potential. just be patient
Witchwood Piper
No theyre not, if they were ALWAYS good then why doesnt ancient of lore see play, this also always draws a bad card
Witchwood Piper
The only deck I could see this working in is weapon rogue but coldlight is rotating.
Witchwood Piper
most of the good big druid cards are rotating, barnes ,ysharrj , yogg , mire keeper, jade blossom , etc. without those it needs serious help, not a mediocre 4 mana 3/3
Witchwood Piper
drawing a 1 mana card really isnt that great, also people who think it works with keleseth are deluded because playing nothing on 1 or 2 and a 3/3 on 4 keleseth on 5 has no chance of beating anything
Bonfire Elemental
mages curve looks decent from 2-
tar creepo
4 5/4
pyros v2
Archmage Arugal
arcane artifcers, if you somehow manage to get 4 then gg, i play zola the gorgon just to play 3 in my control big mage
Holy Water
I think it would be playable if it had lifesteal, it would also suit the theme of the card.
Mossy Horror
Hands down best art of the set. Its literally straight from monsters inc.
how is it overrating if its going to make it oppressive :/