Jexulus's Comments
Rastakhan's Rumble Card Review #2 - Time Out, Ticket Scalper, Heavy Metal, Belligerent Gnome, Spirit of the Dead and Bwonsamdi, the Dead!
I agree in that I think Belligerent Gnome will shine in a meta without Keleseth, because what deck besides Zoolock these days consistently has 2 minions out on turn 2? However, even with rotation shuffling out its competition in Tar Creeper and Keleseth, this card will probably not consistently trigger when you go first unless a neutral 1-drop that summons another minion like Alleycat gets printed. I really want to like him, but I’m both worried and intrigued that he’s strongest when you’re going second in a meta that actually runs 2-drops.
What Cards Could Replace Hall of Famed Classics?
Honestly, your ideas would’ve been preferable to 3 Mind Visions and Slam for Mage.
Standout Boomsday Project Decks - A Week Later
Shot in the dark, but given what we know about expansions being developed and completed about 2 expansions ahead of schedule (Brode said during KFT’s development that Witchwood work was basically finished at that point), the cards printed this expansion were probably designed under the assumption that Malygos was being rotated to Wild, and plans changed after the point of no return.
You mean besides the fact that it’s an Odd deck?