JesusLovesU's Comments
Control Shaman - #7 Legend (wiRer) - Uldum Post-Nerf
Does this deck work? Seems like a Meca’Thun but not as reliable.
Highlander Mage - Saviors of Uldum - #22 Legend (Asmodai)
Can someone explain to me how you create fireballs with Antonidas if there’s no low cost spells? lol
Conjurer Mage - Rise of Shadows - #9 Legend (glory) - Updated
Hey man thanks. No disrespect thought evident was still here. Anyway still thanks for everything you and whoever else does this site rocks. The landscape trick worked didn’t even think of that. Thanks!
Conjurer Mage - Rise of Shadows - #9 Legend (glory) - Updated
Hi evident just a suggestion is there a way to make it so you can see the full title of the deck if it’s not too much of an issue. The problem is on iPhone and most likely other smart phones the entire title doesn’t come out. Hence you can’t see what rank the deck was taken to. Thank you for everything you do for the HS community.
Odd Mage - Rastakhan Post-Nerf - Top 50 Legend
Just faced this deck it’s really strong and can spiral out of control if not checked.
#1 Legend Deathrattle Hunter - Zyrios
OTK Pally the counter? lol I went 37-9 with OTK pally 80% to rank 5 in a week and I lost to every single deathrattle hunter except maybe one.
Rastakhan Murloc Mage - #84 Legend (Skambo)
Thank you for the tip. Is this stronger than big spell?
lowseek's #77 Legend Rastakhan Big Spell Mage
Thank you for that run down I’ll give it a shot. The other odd decks Atleast have card draw.
Apxvoid's #21 Legend Witchwood Big Spell Control Mage ft. Witchwood Piper, Toki, Time-Tinker
Dude I can’t climb with big Spell mage anymore. Can I add you and watch?
Rafael's #2 Legend Quest Priest - June 2018
Can someone please explain to me how you win with this? Got smoked by shudderwack and huntard. What’s the point of bishop?
Apxvoid's #21 Legend Witchwood Big Spell Control Mage ft. Witchwood Piper, Toki, Time-Tinker
Can you post your deck? curious to see it. What’s your record?
Mryagut's #1 Legend Jade Druid (Kobolds)
I don’t know what’s sadder the fact you’re flaming someone online or the fact that you did it on Xmas day. To tell someone to go kill themselves? Come on… grow up.
Lunaco's Wild Tempo Mage - #4 Legend (August 2017)
Lunaco is a female and yeah she’s really good
Zalae's Frozen Throne Jaina Freeze Mage - #7 Legend (August 2017)
How do you play this? Besides the obvious what’s jaina for
Can someone please explain how to use HAKKAR?