JesusLovesU's Comments
All Signature Cards from Hearthstone's Perils in Paradise Expansion
Yeah exactly man, bingo! Very sad and greedy.
Reno Paladin - #9 Legend (Florence) - Whizbang's Workshop Mini-Set
I don’t understand how people win with this deck… I need to watch people play it I guess but I feel like I just lose to all other control decks.
"Reno" Rainbow Death Knight - #37 Legend (JrsLoveLeeBo) - Whizbang's Workshop
This needs corpse rotation for the draw and atleast 1 sticky grimewalker for board clear.
XL Blood Control Death Knight - #53 Legend (NoHandsGamer) - Festival of Legends
For the silence ability, really strong against aggro decks looking to close out the win and big minions.
Quest Warlock - #6 Legend (iGXc) - Ashes of Outland
Can someone explain how to play this deck? I mean just give me the basics… played it a few times and I get the general objective is malygos then face but how do you stay alive? And when do you plot twist vs not plot twisting?
Wild Reno Priest
Cool thanks Corbett I had actually put him in thinking it was that… you rock!
Highlander Mage - #77 Legend (だんぷぅ) - Outland
Yeah good call on that swap Ascendre, you’re right Antonidas was very clunky in my hand a couple games I had him I couldn’t use him against aggro. The dormant card though seems good but sucks you have to wait 2 turns *tears*
Highlander Mage - #77 Legend (だんぷぅ) - Outland
Cool thanks Wyrmboi appreciate the insight. Yeah I seem to get steam rolled by aggro especially DH and Warrior… :/ I’ll keep those pointers in mind though and keep trying!
Highlander Mage - #77 Legend (だんぷぅ) - Outland
How’s this deck perform? Anyone tried it? Highlander mage seems to be in a bad spot this meta against all the DH, zoo, and face hunters.
Control Warrior - #1 Legend (Vol) - Ashes of Outland
Hows the matchup against Priest and Rogue?
Deathrattle Galakrond Rogue - #40 Legend (てっぺ) - Outland
Rogue is pretty much up there with Tempo DH when it comes to skill… I can’t believe they haven’t nerfed these classes more.
Egg Warrior - #1 Legend (Maneti/Zeeland) - Ashes of Outland
Is there a guide anywhere on how to play this? I can’t seem to win with this :/
Maly Druid [Ashes of Outland, Standard)
Interesting deck, how has it worked for you?
Top Standard Legend Decks From Ashes of Outland - Week 2 - April 2020
Thanks for the great work Stonekeep!
Galakrond Warlock - #1 Legend (Pavelingbook) - Ashes of Outland
That’s good to know about dark skies… didn’t know that.
Galakrond Warlock - #1 Legend (Pavelingbook) - Ashes of Outland
Never had a chance to get lethal with it… if you get a bad starting hand you lose to DH most of the time anyway.
Galakrond Warlock - #1 Legend (Pavelingbook) - Ashes of Outland
2 of what? There is 2 Artificer, 2 dark skies, and 2 coils… I’m confused…
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