JadeBuddha's Comments
Dragon Combo Rouge v1.0 (Special Thanks to JadeBuddha)
I’ve always wanted to run a dragon rogue, but I’m not sure Lesser Onyx Spellstone is worth including. If you switch over to Vilespine Slayer, you don’t have to run all those cheap deathrattle minions, which don’t really add a lot. SI:7 Agent and Backstab seem like better inclusions, in terms of tempo. As for Gruul, I think a Primordial Drake might be more effective, both by giving you an extra source of AOE as well as another dragon to activate Scaleworm and Wyrmguard.
Even Token Druid (Theorycraft)
A theory I have about the odd and even decks is that, because of all the hero powering, you’ll necessarily hold cards in your hand for longer and player fewer cards per turn. As a result, cards like Whispering Woods and Mountain Giant should be better in an even-only deck than they would in a deck without that restriction. Yeah, the hero power isn’t key to the archetype, but I don’t think it hurts, especially if one wanted a more midrange token deck instead of aggro, which is what I want to try out.
Even Token Druid (Theorycraft)
Yeah, I was kind of on the fence about including those. I wanted to put in Oaken Summons to increase the chances of having Violet Teacher on the field, and Astral Tiger was to help ensure that drawing Oaken Summons late in the game would still be useful. Dire Wolf Alpha and Druid of the Swarm both seem like solid options, but I think they push the deck more toward aggro and away from midrange (not a problem, of course, just a change of strategy).
I’ve had trouble against Big Priest and Shudderwock Shaman, but against most others it has performed well. The main time when problems arise is when I don’t draw the weapon recovery tools (Shinyfinder, Doomerang, Countess Ashmore), or when Leeching Poison doesn’t come quickly.