JadeBuddha's Comments
Tavern Brawl Your Standard Brawliseum (Boomsday Edition) - Best Decks for the Brawliseum
60% of my opponents have been playing warlock so far.
Discover in Boomsday - What Can You Expect to Find in This Standard Format?
Very useful article! One small suggestion: consider including a summary table of the %s after the analysis text.
Love watching people go nuts with all this wild speculation and certainty about what the text exactly means.
Here’s my (utterly unrealistic) plan for Mecha’thun Rogue:
Combo Turn 1: Play Mecha’thun, hope that it survives to your next turn.
Combo Turn 2: Play Sonya Shadowdancer, Voodoo Doll (targeting Mecha’thun), and something to kill Voodoo Doll (Backstab, Shiv, etc.) This will get you a 1-mana 1/1 copy of Mech’thun.
Combo Turn 3+: Play Myra’s Unstable Element, clear your board, and empty your hand of all but the final 2 cards. When your board is ready, play your last 2 cards: 1-mana Mecha’thun followed by any cheap spell (Backstab, Shiv, etc.).
An edge-case question for an edge-case card:
Is my battlefield considered to be clear if I have Sherazin or The Darkness out but still in their dormant forms?
Mech Priest sketch
Dragon Soul and Lyra the Sunshard are included purely as alternate tools for generating value; I’m not attached to them in any way. Similarly, Wargrear is sort of a placeholder in case some other neutral magnetic mech with high health is revealed.
I do think Meat Wagon could be a hidden gem, especially given that it is a mech. Unbuffed, it pulls Unpowered Steambot, but with the right buffs, it can pull anything in the deck.
The Boomsday Project Guide - Release Date, Card Spoilers List, Pre-Purchase
Remember everyone: the secrets to providing good analyses of the new cards are to speculate wildly based on minimal information, to focus on how a card will work only in a vacuum or in idealized outlier cases, and to make grand pronouncements littered with words like “Amazing!” or “Garbage!”
Minion Adjustments Coming in an Upcoming Patch: Molten/Mountain Giant Becoming Elementals and More!
The lack of a dragon tribe tag certainly didn’t help, since adding him to your dragon deck didn’t improve your dragon synergies. Nevertheless, in WoW he is a dragon.
I guess I’m just partial to Wrathion because I completed the questline for the legendary rogue daggers back during Cataclysm. He may have been trying to hide his dragon nature to some degree, but I definitely think not having it noted in Hearthstone turned him from a potentially interesting card into pack filler.
Even Minion Mage
I can’t help but notice that you’ve built an even-only deck without Genn Greymane…
Minion Adjustments Coming in an Upcoming Patch: Molten/Mountain Giant Becoming Elementals and More!
This is all well and good, but when will they give Wrathion the dragon tag he deserves?
How Good are the Taverns of Time Exclusive Arena cards?
The regular card that suddenly became great with this arena event? Dragonslayer. It’s a killjoy, I mean, tempo swing that has worked wonders for me so far.
Tess Greymane Change to be Reverted (June 8th), HCT Seoul Deck Submission Update
I must be the only person who was happy about the original Tess nerf. Yogg, Tess, Shudderwock, all these cards that reproduce long chains of effects are great fun for whoever is playing them or watching the stream/replay and just annoying for whoever is on the receiving end. I sincerely hope we don’t get more of these kind of cards in the future.
Tavern Brawl - Randomonium
Played 5 games of this ridiculous slot machine in order to get a free pack. My favorite was game 5, when my opponent conceded during the mulligan. That’s the level of strategic play I’ve come to expect from tavern brawls.
Taverns of Time Arena Event: 28 Exclusive Arena Cards List!
Prediction: one mechanic from this batch of cards that will make it into a future non-arena set is the idea of placing specific cards on top of your deck, as opposed to just shuffling them anywhere into the deck. It seems like a simple idea, and its not necessarily OP by default.
Tavern Brawl - Gone Fishin'
Used this list. Went first. Turn one, I play Murloc Tidecaller. End of turn, my fishing pole summons my opponent’s Stormwind Champion. Opponent concedes.
Thanks for the free pack. Back to arena and ladder.
Tavern Brawl - Cloneball
This tavern brawl has everything I’ve come to expect: extreme randomness, OP cards that can guarantee instant victory, and certainty about whether I have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning based entirely on the opening hand.
Upcoming Balance Changes: Nerfs to Naga Sea Witch, Spiteful Summoner, Dark Pact, Possessed Lackey, Call to Arms, and The Caverns Below!
This refers to a pre-made deck recipe for an Even Paladin. With Call to Arms becoming 5 mana, the deck would no longer pass the “only even cost cards” check. So, it’s being replaced in the deck recipe with Saronite Chain Gang, which costs 4 (i.e., it’s an even cost card).
Upcoming Balance Changes: Nerfs to Naga Sea Witch, Spiteful Summoner, Dark Pact, Possessed Lackey, Call to Arms, and The Caverns Below!
I like playing Rogue. It was the first class I leveled up, the first one I got a gold hero on. Tempo, Miracle, Kingsbane, whatever, I’ve enjoyed it. Except Quest Rogue. I absolutely hate the play style required for it to function, and to be honest, I don’t think this nerf does enough. Quest Rogue’s popularity may diminish briefly, but as the pool of cheap cards increases with the release of the two expansions before the next rotation, opportunities for this obnoxious, non-interactive deck to return will increase, too.
The real “nerf” needed for this deck is not a change to the card or the quest reward. It’s the addition of tools like Dirty Rat that are capable of disrupting the play style that the quest pushes players toward. (And in general, I’d like to see more tech cards that can be used to go after combos.)
A fun interaction to use in this brawl is Snowchugger with a Missile Launcher magnetized to it. The 1 damage to all characters at the end of the turn also freezes them.