ItsMe's Comments
Big Shaman - Rise of Shadows - #21 Legend (Rolle)
cairne out and batterhead in should help
Roger's Mech Paladin - HCT World Championship 2019
this deck is designed to only kill warrior. If you want to play ladder you shouldnt play this list either.
Bomb Warrior - Rise of Shadows - #33 Legend (Zyrios)
Its there to fill your hand after u tried to be agressive. Its not a control list where your with a lot of cards in your hand. Playing an aggressive bomb opening will set you to 1-2 cards in your hand left. Thats when you play azalina to get the full hand of your opponent. Hope this helped.
Midrange Murloc Shaman - Rise of Shadows - #4 Legend (Impact)
the meta is different at high legend compared to rank 5- legend. While you meet a lot of braindead token druids from rank 5-legend you will face mostly warriors, rogues and conjurer mages in high legend.
Dragon Shudderwock Shaman - Rise of Shadows - Zyrios
i dont know why but i feel like the control shaman list is much stronger than this one. Maybe its me playing this deck wrong but its not strong enough of a board contester against aggro and it gets outvalued by warrior. But as i played that list i felt like the 2nd militia felt wrong too. 1 is definetly fine because of the hagatha value or the block against aggro. But the second one felt clunky. But iam not sure how much my comment means because it may be a thing i play this deck the wrong way. I play this one at a 50% winrate, which is not decent. Other control style lists are way higher in winrate for me. If someone is willed to handle me over the gameplan with this list i would appreciate that.
Conjurer Mage - Rise of Shadows - #19 Legend (fateos) - Updated
its good but you have to be familiear with the mage style of play. Like the knowledge when to clear with your spells and when to hold them. If your not familiar with this dont craft it you wont have much success. Its not a braindead deck like tokendruid which makes you climb without using ur brain.
Conjurer Mage - Rise of Shadows - #19 Legend (fateos) - Updated
is it worth to play a copy of payoblast in it?
Secret Mech Paladin - Rise of Shadows - #111 Legend (Cocosasa) - Updated
he mentioned on twitter he put prismatic lens out because deck tracker shows a low winrate with this card, while harrison has a higher winrate overall
Rush Tempo Warrior - Rise of Shadows - 12 Wins Brawliseum (Annachie)
why does this deck get so much dislikes?
Can someone explain me why zihi is in this list? I mean i dont see the card beeing useful in the current meta with mecha thun warrior for example almost non existent. Maybe to stop the mage from his 15 dmg turn on turn 10 but thats not enough for me to play zihi. It could be i miss something would be cool im someone can answer me.