OMFG guys, I’ve just had the most epic game of hearthstone in my life. I’ve used Yogg druid (Innervate, Wild Growth, Yogg-saron) and was playing vs Taunt shammy (Tinkertown tech, Sludge belcher, N’zoth) the match went into my fatigue but the rng decided to mass dispell his taunts and buff all my minions while also drawing cards thus almost killing me, jesus I wish recorded that :C
OMFG guys, I’ve just had the most epic game of hearthstone in my life. I’ve used Yogg druid (Innervate, Wild Growth, Yogg-saron) and was playing vs Taunt shammy (Tinkertown tech, Sludge belcher, N’zoth) the match went into my fatigue but the rng decided to mass dispell his taunts and buff all my minions while also drawing cards thus almost killing me, jesus I wish recorded that :C