ironstove's Comments
J4CKIECHAN's Egg Druid (January 2017, Season 34)
This deck is lit as fuck. Nice work.
I agree that if your opponents clear with a board clear then that’s tough luck, but the same could be said with a lot of aggro decks.
I like the egg tech, but I was wondering if there is space for loot hoarder? I like how fast the draws are though early game, extremely powerful deck if you get something ridiculous like coin double living roots into mark of the wild, then savage roar turn 3 the game is basically finished lmao you do 22 total face damage at turn 3 which is insane.
Levexify's Facehunter
I don’t think there can ever exist a good version of facehunter that tries to run secrets… unfortunately you will be too slow and run out of gas quickly due to no draw engine and having stuff like explosive trap doing nothing versus a 1/1 minion, or unable to wipe against larger minions etc…
I’d like to know how this has worked though, I was thinking maybe something like gadgetzan auctioneer midrange secret hunter when I was considering this deck.
[MSOG]Aggro beast hunter
Also, can you comment on how knuckles has worked out for you? I’m trying to decide if he’s worth crafting.
[MSOG]Aggro beast hunter
Can you explain the reasoning behind the tundra rhino? And why not run leeroy instead?
Also not sure about the zip gunners, I tried running it and at most I would put 1. If he doesn’t get his effect off then it’s an underwhelming 3 drop, and top decking into zip gunner is terrible, hunter already has a lot of cards in the 3-slot… if zip gunner was a beast it would be a staple though.
Noxious' Face Hunter Ft. Alleycat, Rat Pack, Dispatch Kodo
I agree, rat pack in this deck with 0 buffs or ways to take advantage of the minion makes 0 sense.
I think this deck is garbage.
Tower607's Rat Pack Alleycat Face Hunter (Season 33)
Looks too slow for facehunter in this meta.
I think remove the hyena, zipgunner, and sergents
Not sure how I feel about knife juggler… It’s good if you can pull it off, but you’re going to have to hold it in your hand or drop it and hope your opponent is bad and doesn’t deal with it immediately.
The same applies for rat pack.
I think knuckles is an interesting choice. Care to comment on how it’s worked for you?
You’re wrong lol, you draw with runic egg, mark of yshaarj and finley if you are fortunate enough to get the warlock power. This is a deck that should win by turn 5-7 anyway, so being able to draw 1-2 cards is really all you need to ramp.