irhmgg's Comments
Educated Elekk
omg such a creative useful card, Plague of Flame, Nether Breath, Soul Mirror, galakrond invokes to ditch weak inokes…
Soulciologist Malicia
a midrange lackey warlock can utilise all Soul set as second win condition and control tool
[SA] ordered heal druid (Lorekeeper-Vectus)
elise is meant to go infinite with Brewmaster, i mean copying Healing Touch or Crystal Power infinitely
Secret Passage
this can create a new archetype by itself; aggro Rogue,
power lvl is 2×Solarium and its not even legendary
Star Student Stelina
omg man are yiu serious? i think they an obsession with DH, shuffle AoE on curve to their deck
4 mana draw 4 with a plus; make none aggro decks suffer. with all the draws DH had the class is basically turning into a miracle class
4 star is underestimation
Brittlebone Destroyer
best card so far, pushing masochist zoo, curves well with everything other than the doomed Vulture.
at worst its 6 mana 3/3 draw a card, destroy a minion (own or enemy
Scholomance Academy Card List & Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Reveals, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics and More!
druid’s new dual class legendary is not shown after deck building
Shield Slam OTK
almost and thats the fun part. we know some ppl do it. the possibility was the mere intention
egg gala warrior
its proper name, the archetype is called egg warrior, when yoh use mainly that archetype’s card you can call it egg warrior
Hearthstone Legendary Crafting Guide (Standard) - United in Stormwind
Skipper’s pirate tag is not fixed
you play Moarg your board gets cleared better.
scrap imp is a dead draw other than turn 1 or 2. so your deck must either a 1 drop heavy to hard mulligan for it or you run many reactive cards, like Shadowweaver, Maiev or Scalerider,
we know this has cycle issues so replace one of your dragons with 5/5 draw dragon Ol
with Survial of the Fittest you can creat a board 5/5 or 9/9 with spells, ppl dont understand the power lvl