Irenicus's Comments
Classic WoW in Hearthstone - Mage, Priest, Paladin
Prophet Velen wasn’t a part of classic WoW. He didn’t show up until the Burning Crusade expansion.
Saviors of Uldum Pre-Release Event With Content Creators - Theorycrafting Decks From New Expansion!
Worth noting: Alliestrasza’s deck was terrible. Even she admitted it was bad.
Upcoming Expansion Teaser - "The King"
My first thought was Magatha Grimtotem. As you say, it looks like a tauren totem. But if the designers want to keep these “plotters and schemes” within the realm of Hearthstone-centric characters, Hagatha would be the way to go.
Lady in White Control Priest Deck List Guide - The Witchwood - April 2018
The Radiant Elementals baffle me in this deck as it’s not running a lot of spells. It’s a good early play with power word: shield, but what is their purpose if you don’t manage that play? Without Lyra I see them as being wasted cards in the deck.
The Witchwood Guide, Release Date, Card Spoilers List, Monster Hunt
Question. Why does the above information list say there are 135 cards in this expansion, but there are only 114 pictures of the card backs (slowly being replaced with announced cards). Are there a bunch more neutral minions coming, or is the 135 number incorrect? Maybe it includes tokens? I can’t reconcile the difference.
I want to know what their internal testing said about the Priest Galakrond power, as it’s the only one that has offers no immediate board effect or tempo gain.