InnI DecksFavoritesPlayersComments InnI's Comments 17.6 Balance Update - Nerfs to Dragonqueen Alexstrasza, Corsair Cache, Metamorphosis, Kayn, Warglaives, Dragoncaster, Fungal Forntunes and Rogue's Galakrond Why is that a problem? That’s why it’s a meta deck. They are always very similar. Look at Grandmasters. They have only minor changes in their decks. It doesn’t matter if you copy it. If you learn how to use the deck it doesn’t matter. Jump to Comment
Why is that a problem? That’s why it’s a meta deck. They are always very similar. Look at Grandmasters. They have only minor changes in their decks. It doesn’t matter if you copy it. If you learn how to use the deck it doesn’t matter.