Inisix's Comments
Midrange Shaman Deck List Guide (December 2016, Standard) - Season 33, Gadgetzan Meta
Thanks for the fast answer (oh, and the for the list too of course), i will try to stick to this list then, but in case i’ll have no luck, do you suggest going back to discardlock, or maybe malygos druid or tempomage or some other decks are better than disc?
And if you don’t mind, another couple questions: if feral spirit is so important, why did you cut one?
And why no barnes anymore? And, i can understan -1 thunderbluff since there’s bloodlust (it makes me win a lot of games, i don’t know why some doesn’t have it), but why fire elemental exactly, instead of 2 ferals or maybe barnes or something else? I see it’s a powerful card, but i’m missing its role, it doesn’t seem to have a lot of sinergy.
Midrange Shaman Deck List Guide (December 2016, Standard) - Season 33, Gadgetzan Meta
Sorry, i meant Totem Golem* not Tunnel Trogg.
Midrange Shaman Deck List Guide (December 2016, Standard) - Season 33, Gadgetzan Meta
Hi Evident, i say sorry in advance if i make some grammar mistakes but my english is a bit bad (i’m italian).
I would like to ask you a couple questions.
1: in this link you provided us (, only 1 deck uses Harrison Jones, so why do you suggest us to use him?
I don’t like him because even if there are a lot of weaps on the board, against some decks he’s still useless.
Anyway, why?
2: same for Feral Spirit; only one of those decks uses only 1, so why do you suggest us that choice of using only 1?
3: again, Kobold Geomancer, only few of those decks uses one, less than the half of them (actually 3).
I like Kobold and Argent Horserider because they help you a lot in the early game, but i’m not so sure to use them since they seems unused in those decks.
Aren’t those decks supposed to be the “best” since they come from the world championship?
If so, these two card shouldn’t be that good.
Anyway, last season (31) i used discard lock and i reached rank 4 (i missed one star and i was 3) for the first time, with this deck i’m barely 10, mostly 11/12.
I don’t like this deck much because if you start with a bad hand you’re pretty much dead, most of the times.
I also don’t like Barnes ’cause sometimes he summons tunnel trogg or fire elemental etc., and it’s just a waste of mana.
So, i’m using your list but i removed harrison, added 1 more feral and removed kobold, now i have 1 slot to fill, what should i put in it?
One more thunder bluff? one more fire elemental? Maybe Barnes even if i don’t like him (i also don’t like Bloodmage since he often dies but everyone use him, so…)? Or kobold or argent since i don’t like the fact that if i start with a bad mully i’m often dead? If so, why?
I’m not having a lot uf success with this deck and i keep changing my list, i want to find the “perfect”/most used/most efficient one but i can’t decide, so that’s why i’m asking these questions.
Thanks in advance and sorry for the confusion 😛
Ok, thanks a lot!
No more questions ^^