InfinityMinusOne's Comments
The Fist of Ra-Den
Assuming it works the same way as Atiesh (wording is the same so it almost definitely will), the minion summoned will match the reduced cost of the spell, not the original cost.
[[Theorycraft]] Highlander Galakrond Shaman (DoD)
Yeah, there’s definitely potential for absurd value in a deck like this. I’ll be making some changes to the deck shortly (for example, only just realized that the deck has exactly one Invoke card), but the potential for late-game swings and value (Hero Power into Galakrond, Jepetto getting Barista/Kronx/Alex/Shudder then Barista a bunch of things, etc) is one of the things that drew me to this deck. The big problem for this deck will be aggro builds (which look very powerful so far), so I’l probably tweak this list a bit to help it stabilize in the early game.
Firetree Witchdoctor
Warrior spells aren’t too bad depending on the ones you get. While something like Explore Un’Goro or Deadly Arsenal would be terrible, spells like Execute, Omega Assembly, or even Commanding Shout (in the right deck/situation) would often be very solid picks off a 2-mana 2/2.
Not to mention that there’s also Dragon Priest to consider. This card is more viable in Priest than it is in Warrior given their quality of spells (even something like Mass Dispel or Shadow Madness would be a good pick off of this, and there are better ones). Admittedly, this isn’t as powerful as Netherspite Historian was in Standard, and Dragon Priest wouldn’t be as powerful as it was back in its heyday, but the deck could make a resurgence if there are more Dragons/Dragon synergy cards released in this set.
Firetree Witchdoctor
You’re absolutely right, almost forgot about the dragons that Hunter has to offer. Hopefully something in that spectrum pops up!
Firetree Witchdoctor
I disagree – seems to be on the same level of playability as Netherspite Historian. Granted it doesn’t free up dragons in your hand by replacing them, but the ability to discover extra copies of spells is incredibly powerful in the classes that will care about Dragons this expac (Priest and Warrior).
Another key thing to point out is that the pool of cards that can be discovered for this card (the spells for your particular class) is much smaller and more consistent than the pool of cards for Courier (which was ALL the cards from three different classes). I love the card personally and look forward to brewing with/playing against it.
Ticket Scalper
I like the card in any Hunter deck that has Shaw. Granted it won’t be too consistent because Shaw is a Legendary, but when you /do/ get both out at the same time, this card can effectively read “Deal 4 Damage to a minion, draw 2”, or just flat “Deal 5 damage to a minion”. Might not see play in other decks (idk about Even/Pirate Rogue yet), but an interesting card nonetheless.
It depend son how good Mechs are. Fire Plume Harbinger also looked good on release but is very rarely seen nowadays.
Celestial Emissary
Dropping Tuskarr Fisherman on T2 requires you to have dropped another creature on T1 in order to get the buff. Not to mention that (in the case of board wipes) there’s a good chance that you won’t be casting any spells that need the damage until several turns after you play it. This gives your opponent plenty opportunity to kill whatever small creature you put Spell Damage on.
Not to mention that, in this case, the 1 toughness would likely be a boon for decks that contain Frost Lich Jaina. Not only can you ping the card to get a Water Elemental (unlike Tuskarr Fisherman), but the card itself is also an Elemental and as such will have Lifesteal after you play Frost Lich Jaina. All in all I like this card and think it would be great in BSM, but the deck is tight on spots if I’m correct, especially with the new 7-drop that was spoiled earlier today.
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
Baku only upgrades your starting Hero Power, so it would upgrade your Armor HP at the beginning, then it would be replaced by Dr. Boom’s HP when you play him.
I disagree. While this card may not be as busted as other cards that Druid has gotten, I could picture this being slotted into Token Druid as a way to recover board advantage if Wisp+Soul doesn’t pan out.
Biology Project
I was under the assumption that Odd Druid was an aggressive deck. Does it need ramp that badly, especially if it also ramps your opponent?
Electra Stormsurge
Given the wording on the card (“casts twice”), I doubt that this card will synergize with Murmuring Elemental/Brann Bronzebeard. That being said, I could definitely see some burst potential in this card, even if it’s at the cost of being able to do things on your next turn due to Overload. Maybe some sort of Control/Burst-style deck using this card, Zola for extra copies, etc will see play? Either way, this is a solid card that I can picture seeing play from the moment the set drops.
Hearthstone Needs More Hand Disruption Tools
“Swap hands, swap back” – You can’t swap hands. If you’re referring to Togwaggle, then he requires a ridiculous amount of investment in order to properly use, and in most cases requires you to build around it. Togwaggle is far from the tech card that the writer here (and many other players) want for Standard.
“turn all cards into discover” – Part of the Togwaggle build-around that I just mentioned. Very narrow, very specific, and only available to one class.
“destroy all 1 cost cards” – a great card to have, but it doesn’t deal with any of the problems discussed in the article.
“even, odd…” – ??? No idea what you’re referring to as far as odd/even-related hand disruption is concerned.
What the author of the article (and many players) want is a Neutral minion that offers Control decks the ability to properly combat Combo decks. Right now, the only way to truly fight most of them is “play faster, attack face”, and anyone versed in other card games (i.e. MtG) wil ltell you that is poor game design.
Dizzl's Legend Overload Shaman - Post Nerf Witchwood
It isn’t competitive. I have a list very similar to this and it’s a really fun meme (more fun than I’ve had with Standard decks in a while) that can pull ridiculous wins out of nowhere, but isn’t much more than that. If you happen to have the cards and want to have a fun time with an underpowered mechanic, then this deck is for you. Otherwise, you’re better off investing your dust in more useful cards.
Overload Shaman - Guide included
It’s kind of 50/50 and depends on whether you can wipe/Hex enough of their things. One of the bigger problems I’ve had with Cubelock (and Control-lock for that matter) is the fact that it’s troubling when you Ancestral Spirit onto an Earth Elemental and they just copy it with a Faceless Manipulator :/. Makes a huge tempo swing in their favor and practically guarantees them the win. On the flip-side though, if you can stick one of those copies of Earth Elemental+Ancestral Spirit and subsequently make 2-3 copies of it with Spellstone, then you’re pretty much in the clear to win the game.
Overload Shaman - Guide included
Hello! Love the deck design – I’ve been eyeballing Overload Shaman as a fun deck to play for a while, and I might finally give this build a shot. Quick question though: have you considered Cube for the deck, and if not then is there a reason you haven’t? Is it because of silencing effects in the meta, or is it too slow?
J4CKIECHAN'S Legend Elemental Hagatha Shudderwock Shaman
Is Mind Control Tech a good card in the meta atm? I’ve been running a list very similar to this (minus the Pipers and Techs, plus Ardent Squires and Shards) to some success, but there can be a lot of dead draws with so many 1-drops. How easy is it to not only proc but also get something good off of Tech?
GingaNinja's Witchwood #30 Legend Midrange Elemental Shudderwock Shaman
Didn’t watch the strem, but if I had to guess I’d say that the Bloodlust is there for sudden burst damage against decks that otherwise might post a problem. For example, if you land a few totems, fireflies, etc early against a cubelock that doesn’t wipe them, you can probably OTK the deck befor ethey can land a Skull or Lackey combo to get a Voidlord. This probably also works in late games against other decks if you have a couple creatures and need to push 6-9 more damage through. I’m a bit skeptical about having two copies, but there’s enough merit for the card to take up at least one slot.
Best Witchwood Decks – Top Deck Lists for the Year of the Raven Meta
What makes it a great counter to Cubelock? The deck’s best weapon againts Cubelock was Oracle, which it’s losing during rotation in addition to Corsair and Squidface. A lack of a Mill package and a sufficient suite of weapon buffs will likely render the deck to obscurity beyond what it already experienced.
T1 Quest, T2 Coin this, T3 this? LoL
Very solid card. Looking forward to playing with it.