Incarnation's Comments
Abar's Rank #1 Legend Reno Mage Decklist Guide (Standard, May 2016, Season 26)
Forbiden Flame is actually better than it looks since it’s a fireball against control matchups or a ragnaros killer and works wonders against aggro, I think the deck would lack something without it but you can try with Ice Lance (more burst), Cabalist Tome (more value) or Wyrm (more early game but you wont buff her often tbh)
Cult Sorcerer over Thalnos is more than fine
Abar's Rank #1 Legend Reno Mage Decklist Guide (Standard, May 2016, Season 26)
Forgot something about Geddon, I only played one game against zoo and didnt need him in this one, so Idk about his power, but he was usefull for a small board clear like twice out of 13 games and he brings a threat that could force gorehowl or a removal which is nice, and helping against Zoo isn’t bad either so I wouldn’t change him
Abar's Rank #1 Legend Reno Mage Decklist Guide (Standard, May 2016, Season 26)
(TLDR at the end)
At first look this deck looks pretty bad and some cards make you feel like the creator was literally drunk or something but I still decided to give it a shot…
I was totally unsure that Geddon, Forbiden, Ooze could actually be usefull in the deck but I ended up only kicking the Ooze for a Cabalist Tome, since I feel like Ooze isn’t needed against Shaman since we have enough mana for Harrison by the time Doomhammer comes, useless against rogue and removing axe isn’t really needed.
So I went for some rank 5 ladder (lazy early season lol) and here is how it ended :
I’m 12-1 with the deck (rank 5 to 3) and the only uncertain game was against face shaman with bad draws on my side and perfect curve on his and I still won it (the loss was druid doing some fandral stuff turn 1 lol)
Fatigue Warrior actually is just as easy as you said, Shaman is more than fine, tempo warrior is easy as long as I can remove berzerker early enough
Miracle Rogue was a lot closer than I expected, but note that I literally didnt draw flamestrike or ice block or blizzard or reno before turn 15 in literally every game
I dont regret changing Ooze for Cabalist Tome since I never felt the need for Ooze, Harrison was enough (more than half my games were warrior and shamans), Fatigue Warrior is easy enough so axe removal wasnt needed and I had Harrison by the time he is forced to gorehowl to kill one of my threats
The 3 more random spells didnt help me that much in my games but I take it as a bonus chance to get this stupic Ice Block or AoE I tend to never draw for some reason (especially in Reno decks)
TLDR : The deck is much more solid than it looks and I think it’s a bit less reliant on card draw / having the right stuff at the right time than Freeze Mage (since those are the only 2 viable control mage archetypes). Note that the mulligan advice are very important, I know many players dont keep Ice Block or Reno in opening hand against heavy control, but trust me and trust the creator, keep them or you might never see them again You can change a few cards but it’s a very solid deck without changes
Ofc I didnt do enough games to get to a conclusion if the deck is top tier or not but I definitely recommend it if you like playing an “unusual” powerful control deck with good matchups against popular decks !
LifeCoach's Season 26 (Standard, Old Gods) Y'Shaarj Ramp Druid
I like Yshaarj in that deck but I think Arrakoa has some uses in this deck, since Yshaarj wont get full value out of your taunts (Ancient of War and Druid of the Claw)
Not really a fan of the Naga and Thaurissan either, I think it’s too much ramp and too inconsistent espcially with 2 Darnassus
Amnesiac's (Standard) Midrange Shaman (May 2016)
Some tournament decks used her, I’ve seen Gaara use her with Elemental destruction in a tournament for summer points and it did an incredible work, especially in the shaman mirror and against any aggro deck (basically Hallazeal + Elemental destruction is an instant win against aggro)
I think Hallazael is a very under rated card in a meta where some aggro decks are coming back to punish heavy control decks
Prelude's MSI EGLX (Standard) Reno Jackson Warlock
Hard to replace Leeroy in that deck since some other ressources are dedicated to the combo part of the deck (Faceless, Alex, PO). You can make a more standard Reno handlock without the combo and without Leeroy tho
Arcane Golem isn’t a thing anymore and Reckless Rocketeer is 6 mana so you need thaurissan effect on 2 cards instead of 1 to make it work
Prelude's MSI EGLX (Standard) Control Warrior
I didn’t see the tournament, but I have a big question about this deck, why Cairne and no Sylvanas when you have double brawl ? Idk about Cairne in the meta, I feel like he’s wayyy too slow and not THAT superior to sylvanas in control matchups, I can understand it in N’zoth decks but using Cairne over Sylvanas in a dual brawl CW is kinda strange…
There’s probably a good reason since he won the tournament ad it was a pretty big tournament but I cant see it
Crane333's WotOG Standard Patron Warrior
Patron is kinda weird right now, some very annoying AoE got removed from Standard and Control Warrior isn’t played much for now which is a very good thing. It also got some amazing new cards which are probably just as good or maybe even better than having Death’s Bite but if you dont get your patrons of they get cleared, it’s even worse than before since you dont have Shredder, Dr Boom (and Belcher as well) to control the board and still apply pressure wihout Patrons
Crane333's WotOG Standard Patron Warrior
It’s kinda slow but it looks really nice, needs testing
Crane333's WotOG Standard Patron Warrior
Turn 3 Frothing is not that easy to remove especially if you have a fiery win axe to protect him early so T3 Frothing followed by T4 Bloodhoof Brave is such an insane combo (you get soooo far ahead if frothing doesnt get removed instantly by a spell, and the most used spell to deal 4+ damage right now is probably Swipe, which activates your Bloodhoof brave and takes a whole turn anyways
Purple's WotOG Standard Miracle Rogue
Actually Yogg wont make it to the final list and that’s for sure x) The card is just wayyyy too much RNG and is more like 80/20 in favor of your opponnent usually (since you will basically never play it when you’re ahead and risk losing)
It will (very) rarely save you unless you have no board control BUT have much higher HP (so you dont die to it like everyone in troldens LOL)
Actually I saw some people play a Malygos list and it doesnt look bad at all, maybe some cards like Cold Blood can be replaced with the 1 mana deal 3 damage to face card and use Malygos over Yogg, IDK
Amaz's WotOG Standard Deathrattle N'Zoth Rogue
I think Cairne would be better if you dont have Harrison, since there are not that many weapons right now and the card draw and tempo swing against Doomhammer from Harrison is probably the main reason why he picks him (I may be wrong on this one tho)
Kolento's WotOG Standard Ramp Druid
How did the deck work ? I mean, it loos really good on paper in a slow meta but is it actually better than C’thun druid lists ? How does Kolento feel about that list ?
Kolento's N'Zoth Paladin - Season 27, June 2016
The whole point of the deck is to have huge value with your deathrattle card and get that value again with Nzoth.
You already have Robot + Sylavanas + Cairne + Tirion + Nzoth with high attack and impossible to remove deathrattles so you dont need that bonus 4 attack minion or card draw at that point
Twilight Summoner is really good, he can survive board clears or protect you from them, and being a slow card isn’t such a problem since you literally have over 9000 heals, card draw, value cards, and the best board clears in the game
Kolento's N'Zoth Paladin - Season 27, June 2016
I think Lay on Hands is a bit too much as well, you really dont need that much healing and card draw
Warlock Zoo Deck List Guide - Witchwood - August 2018
It’s a dead card for most of the game and a 100% dead card against anything that isn’t C’thun druid basically (if you go turn 8 against Paladin you lost already even if you remove Tirion and lose BK to the weapon)
Just like I said for Shadowflame : You really dont want dead cards for Zoo since most of your cards are very early game focused or token synergy.
Having it in your hand instead of another board control card hurts you sooo much so I dont think it’s worth it
Warlock Zoo Deck List Guide - Witchwood - August 2018
Usually you win before Twins or you have a strong enough board to clear them. Wolves help, moutain giant helps. This matchup is all about baiting the swipe, and if you ever go late game, then you pray for Doomguard/finishers before he gets C’thun x)
Shadowflame would be a dead card most of the time and you really dont want dead cards for Zoo since most of your cards are very early game focused or token synergy.
Having it in your hand instead of another card hurts you sooo much so I dont think it’s worth it (and you cant get value out of it without power overwhelming)
Warlock Zoo Deck List Guide - Witchwood - August 2018
The whole point of wolf is to get value out of your 1-1 tokens, and you have just as much or even more 1-1 tokens than before in Zoo decks Still as effective as before, maybe even more
Warlock Zoo Deck List Guide - Witchwood - August 2018
Tempo : If he gets a good oppening and you dont, you lose, Flamewaker is a pain, but your Councilman can carry if you get a big one
Freeze Mage : If he has Doomsayer / Frost Nova at turn 5 it will be VERY hard and requires the right draws to win. It’s even harder than usual because Freeze tends to cut Archmage and add even more direct burst cards and even more draw, so you need to be carefull with life tap sometimes
Both are hard matchups really, but Tempo Mage matchup has a huge part of RNG imo
I think Cabalist Tome is really good in the deck as well, explanation in my other comment
I think Bran is a wasted spot tho
Baron has direct impact with a small board clear (can be gamechanging) and a big threat forcing removal which is what you want from him, while Anomalus can just get ignored completely since you will actually struggle if you need to make it die yourself, so the board clear isn’t guarateed at all or will be too late (not to mention you will never ever need a 8 damage board clear, flamestrike is more than enough)
I wouldnt replace Acolyte either since you REALLY REALLY want that 2+ card draw because you have 1 card of each and Reno/Ice Block or removals can be very hard to find.
Speaking of removals, I dont think you need a BGH, you alreayd have 3 hard removals (Forbidden Flame late game, Lance, Sheep) + Nova Doomsayer and maybe more from Cabalist Tome and Etheral if you need one more in a control matchup
About Sylvanas over Twilight, why not, I guess he uses Drake for turn 4 curve and it will usually get a pretty good amount of HP but Sylvanas should work really well too
Dont think Ooze is needed either and replaced it with Cabalist Tome (only change I made), you can change a few tech cards without ruining the deck anyways