Iduncant's Comments
Rating 5 star for potential of next set and beyond, this being a staple for quest Hunter.
6 damage for 3 mana, one less than Piercing Shot’s overall (and without the trample), but can hit multiple minions. Having the new hunter spell that makes your spell poisonous counters paladins stupid 3 minion taunt spell.
Raj Naz'jan
Definitely not Meta Defining but it’s more of a late turn finisher for face and quest hunter.
Since most classes seem to being going more tempo and more control, hunter finds more targets for their low cost minion spells. Getting free HP turn 8 and having a hand with two aimed shots and this guy in your hand is 22 in one turn.
Gaia, the Techtonic
I was literally about to type the same thing! I thought for sure this was a warrior or hunter card.
Hedra the Heretic
I already see this as a goto for Druids already. Yeah the lose some good ramp cards but they’ll for sure get some disgusting spells to support this card. I’m bias towards druids as I’ve always hated their playstyle and this card will double down that hate I’m sure.
I fat fingered 3 stars but this for sure is 5
Any Hope for Priest and Mage? The Best Decks for the Two Weakest Classes!
I’m sorry, but no. Mage and Priest have been the biggest, cheeseiest decks in the game. Quest mage last season was awful to play against with any minion deck and Priest is always scum ever since it’s redesign. Priest has board clear, top tier spell discovery, heals on top of cheap heals, minion destruction, card steal, and early game advantage in every season. Mage is just toxic and zero fun to play against. Why they gave damage increase to hero power to Mage is beyond me.
(in my best Gordon Ramsay Voice)
Finally, some good fucking legendaries for Hunter.