HurthStun's Comments
Tortollan Primalist
The fuck are those stats with that mana cost? Where they trying to make a low cost yogg where you pick the spell?
Thunder Lizard
Stats aren’t stellar but the adapt mechanic can fix that so it’s not atrocious
Fire Fly
Very true. This card is a somewhat decent 1 drop, not good by any means but not terrible , that will be primarily used for it’s synergy with the elemental effect.
Tol'vir Warden
This card is getting more shit than it deserves. On the surface you get no value with the stats but that’s not the purpose of the card. In a sense this card is this set’s Justicar. What i mean by that is this card will rarely affect the game with it’s stats because it’s not hard to remove. You aren’t playing this card for the stats because it’s effect can do three things effectively. In a normal hunter deck playing this card improves your odds of top decking as your pulling out your low mana cards, the obvious one is the completion of the quest, and then once you get the queen this card can effectively jump start your new “raptor deck” which is inevitably what your deck will become once the queen is played.
Overall, Not Bad
I see this in most warrior decks, not because it’s good but because it can mess up the new Hunter Raptor archetype that comes with the quest