HuntingFor90's Comments
Reverted Nerfs - Sludge Slurper, Raza the Chained, Call of the Wild, Yogg-Saron, Spiteful Summoner & Lesser Emerald Spellstone
Yeah I still don’t think it’s fast enough to compete with Time Warp Mage, but I hope that it’s at least competitive. I have played priest the least out of all the classes and want to work on that golden portrait
2020 Announcements Live Recap - Standard Year, Hall of Fame, New Cards, Ashes of Outland, Demon Hunter and More!
In Overwatch do you reset to the very bottom after each season?
Demon Hunter Guide - How to Unlock, Hero Power, Cards, Mechanics, Strategies - Everything You Need To Know About The New Hearthstone Class
The hero power already costs 1, having genn in the deck wouldn’t change anything….
Upcoming 2020 Announcements - Guesses / Predictions / Discussion!
I think that the leak HoF announcement with Velen could just be one of multiple HoF cards that are about to announce. They could announce Divine Spirit and Inner Fire are going to HoF at a later time, along with more HoF cards. Even if the leak is true it might not be everything
10 Card Nerfs Being Reverted Before The Upcoming Rotation (Including One Card from This Year)
Yes that’s true but also back when it was nerfed the power level of cards was much lower. Nowadays you don’t live past turn 11-12 in wild which is around when the Aviana-Kun combo would go off and so it is equal to those combos. I don’t personally think Aviana will be un-nerfed but I actually don’t think it would be nearly as OP as it once was
10 Card Nerfs Being Reverted Before The Upcoming Rotation (Including One Card from This Year)
I would really like to see how Razakus priest would compare to the current wild meta. Also pre-nerf patches and Dr. Boom Mad Genius. Hoping they can compete with the current 80% mage meta
The Spirit of Competition - Hearthstone 6th Birthday Event Has Begun - Free Packs + Card Back
I actually really like the Hall of Champions brawl. I wish there was a game mode where you could play any cards just like in wild but they are all un-nerfed, and your deck could only include something that was in standard a the time. Would be cool to see how all the decks stack up
Twitch Drops (2x DoD Pack), Birthday Event, Mage Pack Bundle, Khadgar Back In Shop, Arena Rotation
They are testing the waters to see if people are dumb enough to spend money on shitty deals like this, which they will be
Is Galakrond's Awakening Worth Buying? Analysis of New Cards and Decks Using Them (Ashes of Outland Update)
There’s a Hearthstone Summit every year where they invite a bunch of pros/streamers to look at their upcoming plans for the next year in Hearthstone. It just happened this last weekend and a few streamers said this. Read through most of the things they said here
Spirits of the Shark: How Memorable Moments Trick Players
Really nice article.
Something that I hope everyone who is struggling to make it to legend that actually reads this comment thinks about: you can’t win every game of hearthstone no matter how hard you try.
This article talks about how you might lose games simply because your opponent drew good, or they got a random card that changed the course of the game. This happens a lot, and you will lose those games, and then later you will win games where you get the lucky draw. It’s just the nature of probability, you win some you lose some. The difference between the best players and the tier below them is that the best players don’t let 1, 2, or 5 bad luck games in a row affect their mindset. If you consistently make the right plays you will be rewarded over time, you will win more games and make it to legend. It’s when you let the good luck of your opponent affect you that you begin to tilt and lose 5-10 in a row back to the ranked floor. It’s ok if it takes 75 games to get to legend from rank 5, but no one ever takes 25 games to get to legend from rank 5, so don’t let one loss affect your play and keep up the focus.
(LIVE NOW!) Battlegrounds Demons Nerf Coming Tomorrow (Thursday) - Floating Watcher Moves To Tier 4
While I agree that Hearthstone Devs are terrible at balancing their game, this is not an uncommon strategy for trying to balance games. Look at league of legends, it’s been out for much longer than Hearthstone and there are still balance changes all the time. Certain heroes become stronger than others, they get nerfed, then other heroes become the new strong ones.
Iksar Shares Current Meta Stats For Rank 3 - Legend, Talks About Possibly Reverting Nerfs for Wild Cards
Love to see the wild support, none of the cards from 2018 will be OP if they are unnerfed, but they might actually make some playable
More Legends Players in Wild than in Standard on Chinese Server for the Last 4 Months
Last night I played 6 games and didn’t play against a single tier 1 deck or against the same deck. How often can players in standard say that?
More Legends Players in Wild than in Standard on Chinese Server for the Last 4 Months
There will never be much support for wild because it doesn’t make Blizzard as much money off it but I do agree with you that the meta is insanely diverse. I switched to wild during KnC and have not played standard since. I find the wild meta much more fun.
Free-to-play players don’t realize that it is in their benefit to play wild as well. There are tons of cheap decks you can get to legend with, and the expensive decks don’t rotate out after 2 years. Every expansion there are usually only 2-4 new cards that are experimented with in most decks and usually only 1-2 of them actually stay in the deck, so if you just wait a month before crafting you don’t waste your dust.
Hearthstone Wild Meta Decks Tier List - Scholomance Academy Update
Is the cycle non-quest version of Mechathun warlock really that much better than the quest version?
There’s no way the quest version is tier 1 but I think it is one of the most fun competitive decks right now. The cycle version just seems like throwing out as many cards as fast as possible until your deck is gone.
Galakrond's Awakening Adventure Guide - 35 New Cards, Four Chapters, Launches January 21!
You only get the good side of Chapter 1 for free, you have to pay for the evil side….
Wild Odd Mage
I’d sub out either one astromancer or stonehill for cinderstorm, that way you have a little more help against aggro
Nerf Patch (16.0.8) Coming Later This Week - Nerfs to Fiendish Rites, Scion of Ruin, Ancharrr, Dragon's Pack, Invocation of Frost, Necrium Apothecary and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
Same, I’m always happy that they nerf things to keep balance but at some point you have to wonder wtf they are doing. Half the cards that they have nerfed people said as soon as they were revealed that they were going to be OP.
Didn’t know if rewards stacked and was really disappointed at first, now that we know they do I’m not feeling so bad about the ranked changes, and all the other changes are amazing. Props to Blizz not being the bad guy for once