Hubriz's Comments
Final Boomsday Project Card Reveal Livestream Card List - All Cards Revealed on Stream!
Weaponized PiƱata into toki, yeah. sounds like a viable deck idea lol
Final Boomsday Project Card Reveal Livestream Card List - All Cards Revealed on Stream!
You can’t get 11 mana, afaik. Using innovate or coin at 10 mana won’t have any effect.
The only way to use this would be to reduce its costs, i think
Alright, thanks for the explanation.
The first one sounds like an interesting Combo. I tried comboing Glinda and Mechwarper with Skorp-O-Matics and Knife Juggler before, but I burnt the rope before the infinite knifes could kill my opponent.
The Ziliax combo sounds like it doesn’t have the same problem, but I expect it to be pretty hard to pull of.
And the Wrathguard one, albeit sounding like a pretty funny thing, it will work in about one of 20 games since it’s like a nine card combo which doesn’t even deal 30 face damage. You’d probably be better off playing malygos warlock. Still an interesting plan, even if not really competitive
Dreampetal Florist
Well, if Druid gets to use all his cards, he could win in a much easier fashion.
Could you further elaborate that? I’m curious how Ziliax and Star Aligner end up being major parts of an OTK Strategy, especially in warlock.
Druid going to fatigue is indeed realistic. emtying your hand and board at the same time while also killing your own 10/10 is not.
Power Word: Replicate
could work with the new priest legendary. can’t be done in one turn without the coin tho
Academic Espionage
It doesn’t really matter as it’s not shuffling cards from your opponents deck into your deck, but cards from their class.
Crystalsmith Kangor
Shielded Minibot could easily value trade into the common 3/2 and 2/2 twodrops that ran around at that time while leaving a 2/2 body with mech tag behind which often required another card to take care of it.
This doesn’t beat other 2drops as easily.
Zerek, Master Cloner
It might work in a list similar to the current combo priest lists, as they only have a fixed number of minions to cast their combo on, and they sometimes struggle to Stick a Minion on board to win the game with.
Other Priest Decks don’t use any buff spells other than Power Word shield. The thing is, you only have two Power Word Shields Max in your deck (plus maybe Shadow Visions Copies, but PWS isn’t really the top priority when casting shadow visions).
Quest Reward doesn’t be counter intuitive to pogo hoppers by any means as they are set to 4/4 before receiving their battlecry buff