Horsearx's Comments
Updated: Dog's Mill/Fatigue Dead Man's Warrior (September 2017)
The game plan is generally to: Survive, go infinite with dead man’s hand and run your opponent out of cards so they die to fatigue damage. Bring it on, Deathknight, and Coldlights are particually good to shuffle with Dead Man’s hand, along with ofcourse, Dead mans hand itself.
The Lich King Boss Adventure - Patron Warrior Deck List Guide
I had to make a ton of substitutions but I still won first try, got crazy lucky tho, he didn’t play a single blizzard or obliterate.
Brian Kibler's Frozen Throne Legend Midrange Handbuff Paladin
I can assure you that the hero will get better as time goes on. Once the next rotation hits, there will be less weapons and healing in paladin, and his effect will be more valued. not to mention it’ll likely be easier to hero power OTK when more cards are added. Its a card with alota potential even if its not played much now. Besides, I still see him a lot personally, to fair success.
Brian Kibler's Frozen Throne Legend Midrange Handbuff Paladin
that card is really good, but it dosent benefit from buffs at all, you might find it in other decks.
Titan's Frozen Throne C'Thun Warrior (August 2017)
I suppose that is a good point I didn’t consider. I just don’t think the hero power does enough to warrant it, but maybe I’m wrong. you brought up some good points.
Titan's Frozen Throne C'Thun Warrior (August 2017)
I would rather run a gorehowl personally, I don’t like losing armor up
Titan's Frozen Throne C'Thun Warrior (August 2017)
That’s true, but losing the armor up hero power is really bad!
Updated: Zalae's KFT Infesting Plague Jade Druid - #1 Legend
Never thought about Naturalise, but against the meta that does sound fairly effective. Ill def consider that for a replacement! Thanks for the imput!
Titan's Frozen Throne C'Thun Warrior (August 2017)
idk if I want to trade away my armour up so I can hurt my own acolyte of pain another way LOL
Updated: Zalae's KFT Infesting Plague Jade Druid - #1 Legend
I tend to put about 50 bucks every month or two towards games, so I think I can afford to slowly craft each druid card gold. I love druid, and such a thing would make me very happy. I have already done the math of how much dust i’d need too, so I wont be getting over my head, as I know what I’m getting into. Also, I play a lot of Wild and goofy decks, so I don’t mind it rotating.
Thanks for the help tho! ill prob craft black knight and look for a replacement for BGH and Kun. if you want to suggest replacements, go ahead, I’m all ears
Titan's Frozen Throne C'Thun Warrior (August 2017)
How does the deathknight fit into this? he seems so useless and random…
DanieLegend's KFT Jaina Elemental Mage - #81 Legend (August 2017)
Pyros is pretty good in mage, and is basically mandatory if you want to play elemental mage, but Baron Geddon is used in more decks and its classic so it wont rotate into wild, albeit not very many decks are playing Baron atm. In the end its up to you, but IMO, if your going to have fun, its usually worth to craft.
Updated: Zalae's KFT Infesting Plague Jade Druid - #1 Legend
What is the purpose of Kun/Black knight/BGH in this deck? I lack those three, but I have enough dust to craft one, what should I craft, and what should I replace? I’m thinking of saving my dust for a gold Kun, cus I want a full gold druid collection oneday.
FreddyB's KFT Jade Murloc Shaman
replacements for brrloc, flametonuge, ice fishing, jade claws, malestorm portal, primalfin totem, flamememed faceless, jade lightning, firefly, murloc, charging murloc, buffing murloc, other murloc, gentle megasaur, ninja murloc, furry, and shaman?
Dog's Frozen Throne Giants Valeera the Hollow Miracle Rogue
Personally I’m running Toast’s version, having more success with that.
Dog's Frozen Throne Giants Valeera the Hollow Miracle Rogue
Miracle rouge generally plays by staying alive threw the beginning of the game, drawing there entire deck, and winning off massive swing turns with Edwin vancleef, arcane giant, and high amounts of burst such as eviscerate. Miracle rouge takes a lot of practice to get down, so if your struggling just keep practicing and probably watch some other people play it.
Brian Kibler's Frozen Throne Anduin Shadowreaper Highlander Priest
I have been toying with it and it oddly works. it has very little card draw so it needs its top-decks to be consistently strong, and I find it replies more on the big bodies to kill the opponent and uses the hero power for board control. idk how well it does against aggro, but it works against control.
Brian Kibler's Frozen Throne Anduin Shadowreaper Highlander Priest
This deck looks insanely greedy, wouldn’t it be better to rely on your hero power to kill control decks and have it be anti aggro otherwise?
Wild N'Zoth Control Shaman Deck List Guide (August 2017, Wild) - Season 41
Do you think ragnaros might be better then sneeds? I have been running it and I have had more success, more impact and well it cant highroll like sneeds can, it also cant lowroll as bad as sneeds can.
I’m also running a budget version, I don’t have 2 far sights or earth elementals so I’m running mana tide tiotems and thing from below and its not bad. I’m having fun so that’s whats important anyway!
8-2 with it so far, it seems pretty good. Tip for the people who seem to be struggling: against control, full milligain anything that isn’t a mountain giant, twilight drake, or fire fly. Against aggro, mulligan anything that isn’t an early play or a bewitched guardian and try to play for tempo and fight for the board. If you have mountain giant in hand with a witchwood apple, its a great play to play the spell on turn two, as you can giant on turn 3. And finally: try not to use the coin. Its often more useful as a card count then as a innervate.