hjrick17's Comments
Walking Fountain
Did you even read my comment? lol… Or did you just see “Priest” and assume that I thought this was a Priest card.
The combo I’m talking about is steeling an opponents minion with Shadow Madness + Lazul’s Scheme and then using the Divine Spirit Inner Fire combo as a finisher. The Divine Spirit/Inner Fire combo isn’t really an OTK deck as it relies on a large body minion sticking.
One of the best “Priest” cards revealed yet…
If Priest plays this and it summons a small minion then that’s a successful “trade”.
If Priest plays this and it summons a large minion, Lazul’s Scheme, Shadow Madness, Divine Spirit + Topsy the summoned target for a potential 1 turn finisher depending on life.
If Priest plays this and it summons a large minion, Lazul’s Scheme + Cabal works too.
If this card ends up being good and other control decks play this on their turn then Priest can Shadow Madness, Divine Spirit(x2) + Topsy or Inner Fire = 32 dmg OTK.
I see Priests wanting to play this in a Lazul’s Scheme Control/OTK Deck and I see Priests wanting this to be played against them in that same deck since the Shadow Madness combo does not get ruined by its own minions getting pulled out like other OTK decks.
Walking Fountain
Can’t wait to Lazul’s Scheme, Shadow Madness, Divine Spirit+Inner Fire this for a 32 dmg OTK as Priest.
Madame Lazul
This card is insanely good on its own for obvious reasons even if you only play it once in a game.
When you start combining this with things like Seance, bounce effects, Talanji, Spirit of the Dead and Bwonsamdi, you could realistically be playing 3-4 of these in a single game. That sounds pretty broken if we end up with a control/value meta.
Lazul's Scheme
This card obviously combos with Shadow Word Pain, Forbidden Words, Cabal Shadow Priest in a control deck. For a control deck to work for Priest, it will likely need a new win condition though since Shadow Visions and Shadowreaper Anduin are rotating out which makes ending the game with Mind Blasts much more difficult. Priest is also losing Ticking Abomination so that rules out a control based Mecha’thun deck.. Or does it?
It could be worth noting that this card combined with Forbidden Words could technically form a 3 card combo to play/kill your own Mecha’thun. That combo would take 10 turns of Lazul’s Scheme sitting in your hand which seems extremely unreliable with Shadow Visions rotating out but you could also utilize Galvanizer/Seance/Shadow Word Pain to reduce some of that burden.
Can Mecha’thun Priest survive long enough without Psychic Scream, the Quest or Hemet to draw out the deck? This type of deck is probably not worth constructing based on the cards we’ve seen so far but 0 cost spells and cards that say “Win the Game” are always dangerous and will be experimented with.
This + Power Word Replicate for Priest will give you a board of 4 Archmage Vargoths (3 of them being 5/5’s) on turn 9. 17/21 worth of stats for 9 mana. If that board can’t be cleared, you can mind blast the following turn. If the board does get cleared you can use Mass Resurrection and then sit back an watch the fireworks.