Heralt's Comments
Spreading Plague
Yeah, but you cant play card only because it good vs aggro. It has to do something vs mid and slow decks as well.
Spreading Plague
Are you kidding? No, they are not. Just compare to removals from “classic” control classes: swp/swd, dragonfire potion (and lightbomb earlier), execute/shield slam, hex/polimorph, brawl, different combos with equality and so on. The only good removal just rotated out from standard with year oh mammoth (bye bye mulch), so druid can’t play as #2 on the board. You can skip 1-2 turns for manaburst and then play some big minions to get board back, but you can’t play whole game
Devour Mind
First of all, thoughtsteal was playable card for a long time. Stolen cards were good enough in average result.
Second, you comparing some kind of draw mechanics with deck extending mechanics. The only similar thing is the same source of cards – opponents deck, but everything other is differ.
Third, 5 mana for 3 cards could be good enough in control matchup. Just compare it to cabalist tome, which “draw” 3 random spells. For sure, mage spells are quite good at most, so outcome will be better, than for devour, but card is still reliable in some cases.
Devour Mind
idk why do you even comparing this card to legendary. Legendary shuffling the whole deck into your DECK, not hand.So you need consider that you will topdeck a lot of unusable (for priest) shit in future instead of good cards. It could be good in value battles, when you have full hand and just outlasting opponent, but in most cases it just ruin the game for you. This card is much better for usual matchup, as you’ll take all 3 cards to your hand and can play immediately.
Spreading Plague
It won’t, unless druid will have some good removals. To get any value from this card, u have to be much behind on board, but as druid you can’t recover if you already far behind
most liekly +spd will work only while minion is alive. anyway, this looks like insance spell to clear the board in early game,
Prince Valanar
idk, i can imagine only one good way to make them at least “possible to play” – add 1 mana card which will persist in start hand as a quest and will force to draw a X-mana card at X-turn if such card exist (like one of brawls, but restrict it to work only if all princes in a deck). You’ll be able to play them at curve. But still may not worth to sacrifice all good 2/3/4 drops
Prince Valanar
So what’s the point to play this shitty 4 drop in a fast deck? aggro deck doesn’t need the lifesteal or taunt in most cases.
Could be quite good in token/evolve shaman or aggro druid. It is really easy to flood board with minions. Great combo with portal/lightnings and swipe.