Helioshadow's Comments
Captain Hooktusk
As of now, the highest-statted pirate is either Salty Dog at 7/4 or Luckydo Buccaneer at 5/5. Now whether or not you want to pull that is another story, but there’s a 7/4 Rush or a 5/5 Rush if nothing else.
Ticket Scalper almost guarantees two draws if you pull it with Rush, but it kinda relies on your opponent having minions. That being said, 8-mana 6/3 deal 5 damage to a minion draw two cards seems pretty decent (if not good) to me even as a baseline, but having the ability to throw two more pirates on top of that is definitely notable at worst. I mean, it’s a bit of a pseudo UI (yes, comparing ANYTHING to UI is unwise, but think about it x3).
Not many charge pirates, so you can’t use this as a last-resort bunch of damage to the face (unless you for whatever reason Ganged Up or Lab-Recruited Skycap’n Kragg and got a Shark Spirit or Brann to stick). Can’t *quite* prep Cannon Barrage unless you have a coin, but if you CAN get it, that’s a lotta – Er… A decent amount of damage.
Walk the Plank
So according to the text, Assassinate also destroys a random minion. Sounds cool.
Walk the Plank
Oh, I guess Assassinate also targets a random minion. Ya know, assuming the same mechanic since it has an identical wording…
Hakkar, the Soulflayer
Explore Un’Goro kappa
This could actually see some use in some Explore Un’Goro + Togwaggle shenanigans with Geist. Play this first, then Togwaggle + Explore Un’Goro. So now your opponent has your deck full of draw and stall plus the Corruptef Blood, while you have the Explore deck. So unless your opponent has Hemet/Geist/Life gain, they’re on a massive timer. Which means they can’t wait so long to swap back. When they do, you Geist and lose the Corrupted Bloods while they lose the entire Explore deck.
Outside of that, you’ve got some Hemet shenanigans with some forcing your opponent to draw with, say, Naturalize.
Is it good? Probably not. Fun? Heck yeah.
Gral, the Shark
If this works like Brann > Void Terror (couldn’t for the life of me think of the name), the battlecry procs twice on the same minion. If not, hits two different minions, which could be iffy if you’re primarily playing one big minion you want to get the roll on.
I can see people having fun with Shark Spirit in a deck which runs Witchwood Piper and big minions. Maybe. Idk.
Outside of that, think of it like a silenceable card tutor (like Polluted Hoarder combined with half an Elven Minstrel).
Do I think it’s good? Probably not. Rogues generally don’t benefit as much from big minions, and the one deck that DOES (Big Rogue in Wild) simply doesn’t want to run this card due to consistency of the other pieces of the deck.
[Theorycraft] The Immortal Prelate of Val'anyr
I note that in the Substitutions part of the guide, but the deck only runs 9 buff cards (not counting double-ups on the Sound the Bells). IMO this isn’t enough to consistently proc the quest early, as you’re better off just running a regular Galvadon deck. You’re completely free to do it once the expansion goes live, but I wouldn’t recommend it myself.
[Theorycraft] The Immortal Prelate of Val'anyr
Rivendare is mostly there to double up on Val’anyr minion procs, but yeah x3
Realistically you only really need one prelate to go infinite with Val’anyr, but more of them to keep up your draw consistency isn’t bad :3
[Theorycraft] The Immortal Prelate of Val'anyr
Actually, that’s not a bad idea. Copy a minion which is already massively Val’anyr’d, proc more deathrattles and Val’anyrs; basically a 3-mana Faceless for this deck, as you’re mostly wanting the value from deathrattles rather than sheer stats. The problem I see with it (and Faceless Manipulator) is that they could potentially get hit with Val’anyr, mitigating the effect for however many Val’anyrs your hit it with (which can completely mess up your first proc of Val’anyr and screw over your entire game plan). But sure 😀
*editing deck: -1 Faceless Manipulator, +1 Prince Tal’daram*
Immortal Prelate
Seems REALLY fun. A minion-Kingsbane. Up until you realize it can be silenced, and then you’re just sad. Really tho, even if this card fits in a really good deck, owl/spellbreaker completely shuts it down.
If we compare the card to Lynessa, it doesn’t recast the spell (meaning it can’t benefit from, say, Potion of Heroism’s draw effect) while coming with the benefit of recurring (well… Up until a silence hits it). That being said, let’s look at the wacky shenanigans you can pull off with this minion.
As of standard, we have Spikeridge Steed (which completely shuts down aggro… outside of owl) and Dinosize (which makes the minion EXTREMELY resilient… outside of owl). Blessed Champion seems like a really good way to close out the game once you get a few more buffs up (you know… outside of ow.). Besides that, we have a bunch of smaller buffs, Ring the Bells, divine shield, etc. Blessing of Wisdom seems cool (IF it’s an enchantment, which I’d assume; however, if you’re only going by the key phrase “Give a minion” or “Set a minion’s [stats]); you get to cycle through your deck, punishing your opponent for not killing your minion, while keeping a giant recurring minion if they DO decide to kill it.
And now we find a card that (while seemingly debatable) would be somewhat broken with this card… Val’anyr. The phrase “Give a minion” leads me to assume this is an enchantment, in which case it retains the “Deathrattle: Reequip Val’anyr” when it goes into your deck (and eventually back into your hand). Now it’s definitely debatable, since I haven’t run the card and haven’t seen much of it in action (what I DID see is fuzzy in my head), but I think it does give your minion a Deathrattle effect, which would imply enchantment. Even if it doesn’t stack Val’anyr reequips, it still stacks the buff bonus, allowing you to keep making the minion bigger and bigger (so long as you have a minion in hand when Val’anyr procs, which shouldn’t be too much of an issue so long as the opponent doesn’t ooze it).
Keeping in mind the mechanics of Kingsbane, I’d kinda like to see how this card would react to, say, Desperate Stand or bounce (say, sap/vanish). Guessing bounce mimics the Rogue’s Doomerang in that it returns to your hand, keeping enchantments (since the enchantment line is independent of the Deathrattle line). Desperate Stand is probably not a good idea considering the minion retains the copy Deathrattle while the copy doesn’t retain the enchantments while clogging your deck with (somewhat useless) 2-mana 1-3’s (at least, IMO with mechanics in mind. I could be wrong, which makes the combo SO much better). But hey, for all it’s worth, it prevents fatigue! 😀
Considering wild… Meh, you don’t really have much. Avenge needs you to get lucky (and even then, it’s only 3/2 worth of stats). Hand-buffs are nice.
Rotation’s gonna hurt BADLY. But until then, we might as well have fun x3
Void Contract
It’s fun to absolutely destroy combo decks. Besides that, I can’t see how good this is; Warlock doesn’t have really any shuffle synergies (outside of Baleful Banker, which is optimistic at best), so you can’t win the fatigue game really outside of Gnomeferatu mill and DK hero power.
Also need to keep in mind whether the opponent already has their combo or not. If they already have combo in hand (say Druid with plenty of ramp and 4-mana “Draw your combo”), then it’s pretty useless.
All in all, an EXTREMELY situational card. Idk, there’s probably going to be some sort of wacky Togwaggle deck I forgot to mention somewhere in there. But meh.
Honestly I’m kinda disappointed they didn’t opt for “Discard half of each player’s deck”. Woulda been a lot more interesting in terms of bing a late-game swing for Discolock, and actually might have given the card a use outside of combo-breaking. Idk, I’m probably missing some broken discard synergy somewhere in there, but considering how most of the broken schtuff is in wild, I wouldn’t be sad to have Discolock be a viable alternative.
Cannon Barrage
Also I can’t wait for wild shenanigans, stealthing a Malygos into throwing a bunch of pirates onto the field, prep Cannon Barrage. That’s fun x3
Cannon Barrage
On average you’ll have maybe 3-4 pirates out on the field. Meaning this’ll (on average) be 6-mana deal 12-15 damage randomly spoilt in 3-damage increments. Now look at Greater Arcane Missiles. This seems… Strong… Even with only two pirates out it’s a cheaper GAM. And in a tempo-oriented deck when the opponent has a good bit of minions out, it seems REALLY good as a last-ditch effort to either push for lethal or clear a sticky board.
Tavern Brawl Duel of the Death Knights
Was fun for a few games. Then turned into Jaina vs Jaina every game. There really is no diversity; Jaina rules this brawl.
That being said, I love how the Jaina mirror match is a lot like chess; you REALLY need to think about how to trade efficiently so that your opponent doesn’t get a Water Elemental. Ooooor you draw Snowflipper Penguin with the coin and get a T1 Water Ele, in which case you’ve kinda already won…
Tavern Brawl - Pick a Hand, Any Hand
Had a bit of success with 1x Spectral Cutlass, 2x Cavern Shinyfinder, 2x Deadly Poison, 2x Counterfeit Coin. Maybe sub in a Sap for the big Van Cleefs and the Mana Wyrms or Apprentices. It’s a bit slow, but it’s extremely difficult to stop once it gets going.
Most Overrated Cards From The Boomsday Project
“Psychmelon overrated”
*Wild players cry*
You probably need to bounce three Horsemen (2x Brewmaster, 1x Zola) and then play them all in one turn w/ Hero Power at the end. Or you pray you get lucky with Prismatic Lens and hit Blackwald Pixie and Equality, requiring only two bounces. Getting a Horseman to stick on the battlefield helps a lot, although that may be difficult.
Mecha’Thun Paladin (ft. 1-Attack Army)
AFAIK, secrets (and weapons, for that matter) don’t affect Mecha’Thun’s trigger.
Mecha'thun Decks Are Here - How To Play With And Against The Mecha'thun Combos
*Plays Cho and Deadly Poison*
*Opponent Concedes*
[Boomsday] Necrium Malygos Rogue
Myra’s has saved me on quite a few occasions. Once you get the minion parts of the combo in-hand (which would probably be somewhat early), you’ll need the burn. Myra’s has consistently drawn enough burn for me when I have the minion combo. But I can see where it may be a bit unreliable.
Valeera the Hollow was a bit of a wild-card for me, but I decided to put it in. I’ve consistently had games go to turn 9 with the amount of clear the deck has, and the Kobold interfering the Reflection can be solved by either Prepping or playing a low-impact Razorpetal (you’ll still have plenty of mana to finish the combo). It’s also a clutch one-turn guaranteed survival to make sure you at least get the one extra turn, and the armor gain is invaluable in a deck with no other life gain.
Shadowstep is an interesting card to think about, but it’s a bit unimpactful for the card slot that it takes up. It’s only useful when you already have minion tutor in hand, which already gives you a big chance of winning shortly (combined with the immense amount of regular card draw the deck utilizes). And by the time that you have enough combo pieces to use it for clearing board, you’ll probably have enough to kill them anyway.
I already said my reasoning for the swap to Shinyfinder and Thalnos in the changelog, but whatevs; the deck works for me regardless. If it’s too much of a hassle, just hard-mulligan for both and Elven Minstrel. Or, and here’s a wild suggestion, don’t copy my deck card-for-card, and tweak it for your own play? 😀
Funnily enough, this deck was created so far in advance of the Boomsday expansion that barely anyone played it when it launched. And basically nobody plays this deck still, unless they want to handicap themselves by not playing Druid. Druid is literally better at everything control-oriented than Rogue, so idk. If only cunts play this deck, then only pussies play Druid 😀