Havoc's Comments
Combo Miracle Rogue - Early #1 Legend (Flix) - Darkmoon Faire
Shaman can easily revolve your big threats and hunter can use frozen trap so outsmart them. I can also tell you that this deck is a lot more aggro than people think , you can generate coldblood and eviscerate and then do 20 damage in 1 turn. It’s also extremely versatile and you can generate stupid amount of minions to outlast more controlish decks BUT you have to aim for face in general…
Combo Miracle Rogue - Early #1 Legend (Flix) - Darkmoon Faire
Mulligan for low combo cards and fox.
Vs hunter, shaman, druid and rogue you need a big threat early aka van cleef and questing adventurer.
Vs paladin you need removal early like brainfreeze, eviscerate and backstab.
Vs Paladin and warlock you have to play around AoE removal and sometimes bait them.
Vs demon hunter just remove everything and outvalue them.
Priest is stupid hard. Try your best and then conceide.
Secret passage is OP and whirlkick master too, you can get 3-4 eviscerate in one game.
I’m at work but I can answer your other questions…
Combo Miracle Rogue - Early #1 Legend (Flix) - Darkmoon Faire
Thanks for the deck once again, I just hit second time Legend with list. First time legend was long time ago around season 35 (not sure) with dragon pirate warrior. If anyone need tips or Mulligan vs class I’ll help !
Hotform's Rank #1 Legend Yogg Tempo Mage Deck List Guide (June 2016, Season 27)
Nice deck.I always liked to play Tempo Mage with a lot of draw even more with Yogg in it to maximize the effect but…… I feel like Acolyte is extremely slow and a pretty weak topdeck with an empty hand/losing board. It might work well for Hotform and some people and it’s fine. I’ve been using Gnomish Inventor and it’s working for me if anyone has the same problem with Acolyte.
Tempo Dragon Warrior (60.7% Winrate from Rank 9 to Legend) Deck List Guide
Also forgot to say I didn’t use N’zoth’s First Mate. I keep Harrison in instead and honestly my winrate vs shaman wouldn’t be the same without him. Also, you can’t afford to play the pirate in your starting hand if you want a very strong opener every game which is : Faerie, Alexstrasza’s Champ and WinAxe !
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