Haavl's Comments
Rank 3 to legend 89% Win - TRUMP WALL WARRIOR
As you can see in the pic, I had 4-1 against druid and just one of them was token druid. Also if you meet a lot of jade druids, you substitute in the Skulking geist which make you favourite in the matchup since you have two brawls. But yeah, in this shape you have quite low chances of beating the jade druid (around 30% i guess). Jade druids are not played that much right now tho. I think much harder matchup is highlander priest. It was written a week ago when the priests were more oriented on beating aggro, so It was easier to beat them. Now when other value cards have been added it is much harder matchup and very favoured against you.
Rank 3 to legend 89% Win - TRUMP WALL WARRIOR
TBH I met just a single one warlock with kalaseth, so there I can´t help you a lot because I don´t know the matchup. But against Rogue look for armorsmith (and don´t be affraid to drop it even on T2), 3-drop taunts, ghoul and chain gang, it should keep you around 15-20 hp on turn 5-6 (sometimes even better), don´t be greedy about any board clear, you have many of them and be sure to drop ghoul even just to destroy two 1/1 minions it can be game decising. You can definitely mulligan away your quest against rogue. It doesn´t have much card draw so once you stabilize the board (ideal situation is brawling the in T7-T8 when they have like 2 or 3 rads left). They should not be able to get you down from that position once you drop another taunt. Also think much about using the dirty rat. It is great to use it in position when you drop another big taunt or when opponent drops Vilespine because when they do, they often have shadowcaster in hand. Getting the shadowcaster to the board makes a huge impact. Also don´t hesitate to use execute for anything bigger than 4 hp, there is not many minions in the deck that get out of ghoul and SWTF combo unless opponent plays the prince at least twice at the start of the game. I hope these tips help you out with the matchup.
Thanks for commenting I really like to know what people struggle with, Rogue is one of my good matchups but it still get “upgraded” by other players optimizing the deck so the winrate against them could go down, but I don´t think it will until a lot of people start playing this archetype of deck 🙂
Lich king is not a core card, can be replaced with another value card. Chose something that will help you beat decks you meat a lot. It´s quite optional here.