GrimD's Comments
Druid and Mage Spell-only Theorycrafts - Putting the "Spell" in "Spellcaster"
Or rather only 1 for spell-only, but anyway i’m curious!
Druid and Mage Spell-only Theorycrafts - Putting the "Spell" in "Spellcaster"
Why no Shaman?
So many “if you cast a spell last turn” cards, i’m curious on your take on it
Aggro Dragon Hunter - #5 Legend (白给雷霸霸) - Galakrond's Awakening
Veranus + Springpaw or Sharpshooter is a great big taunt buster, for example.
Tasty flyfish is surprisingly useful buffing the elusives.
There’s no combos per se, just good old inyaface dmg!
Having said that, probably the Meta Tier listing will be more efficient nowadays, this was one of the earliest versions.
Aggro Dragon Hunter - #5 Legend (白给雷霸霸) - Galakrond's Awakening
Played against an Embiggen Druid in a perfect opening hand and still whooped it without a scratch.
Tavern Brawl - Doom in the Tomb (Part 2)
When you beat it under 40 minutes it says there is a prize for beating under 30 min.
Anyone knows what it is?
I made in 30 min… and 4 seconds…
Lore of Legendaries: Saviors of Uldum
Love these lore articles! Having played very little WoW, i’d miss all the flavour. Thanks!
Hunterace is the new Hearthstone World Champion! Winning Deck Lists Inside!
Do you know when we are getting them?
Thanks! I agree totally with Lightning Bolt, it was on the deck to help activate Cumulus.
Lightning Bloom is much better for that indeed! Speeds up evolving too.
Devolving Missiles is really useful though, against Pure Pally and Fittest Druid it can be the difference.