GreenGuy's Comments
Shuffle Some Beasts
Rafaam honestly doesn’t fit here; random legendaries would definitely not be as good as what we have already. Hellfire would be a very good replacement, as you’ve said in a reply earlier. I’m not sure what I’d change for a second Hellfire though, although it definitely wouldn’t be any of your beasts aside from maybe Lifedrinker (all good against aggro). Betrung and Overfiend would be good cards to replace, but it feels bad doing so and I don’t even play the deck
Odd Deathrattle Hunter
It’s kinda crazy how little the difference is between the two decks. The only things you really miss out on are rexxar, flanking strike, shaw, and keleseth, with none of them being really integral to the decks strategy. Is all of that worth the +1 damage to hero power, though? Idk, I’d have to see other people play it since I don’t have baku yet
Countess Ashmore
Probably one of the, if not the most over estimated cards from the Witchwood.
Oh, and you have to live all of that too, which, if you’re busy comboing, is not easy to do.
I’m honestly not sure about this one. It’s very combo reliant, and it doesn’t look like an easy combo. Sure, you can empty your deck with Myra’s, but then you have to get rid of the other 9 cards in your hand. You can’t self destruct your Mecha’thun easily either, because the Assasinate in your hand is a card, and if your opponent kills Mecha’thun before you do, you lose.
If it somehow is an easy combo, it’s easy Tier 1 deck. I really don’t see that though.
Another push to minion mage, maybe? I’m thinking that with Stargazer Luna, Arugal, and Book of Specters, they’re pushing for a draw-minion mage (which sounds ridiculous in the it’s-a-bad-deck sense).
Recruit Hunter Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Swap cubes with Seeping Oozelings, Animal Companions with Tar Creepers, and the Eaglehorn Bow with Silver Vanguard and Lich king if you want to give it another shot; it makes the deck a LOT more consistent.
Recruit Hunter Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
*According to HSReplay, since that’s important. Metastats says that the trap version is better. Is there a way to say which is more reliable, or does it just depend on preference at this point (HSReplay doesn’t even have stats for the trap version, as far as I know)?
Recruit Hunter Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
I feel like we should swap this deck guide with the keleseth variant, since that’s what’s more meta right now.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond + Heroes of StarCraft (March 2025)
In the top right corner in the corner of this website, there is a thing that says “Deck Builder”. All you got to do to post it here is not select the private option, and you good. Please do this, as I’m interested to see the list too.
How’s Glass Knight and Life Drinker working for ya? Honestly surprised you’re not running BoK, but the list looks pretty tight, so it makes sense.
Zoolock MU looks a little rough though. What’s your experience against against them?
Asking because I’ve wanted to try Healadin this expansion ever since Potion Vendor was revealed, and I’m thinking about trying it now as well.