gorgonzolaman's Comments
Fire Plume's Heart
At least blizz finally succeeded in making a taunt warrior good. They had to make your hero into Rag to do it, but they did it nonetheless!
Steam Surger
This also synergizes with the Mage quest, as the flame geyser will not have started in your deck. Also very consistent compared to babbling book or cabalist’s tome (as its not a random spell), not to mention getting a solid, on-curve body on the board. Not a broken card, by any means, but good and consistent.
Lakkari Sacrifice
I think he’s asking if you can discover the quests out of things like babbling book (for mage), or Dark Peddler for this card. If you could, though, what if you were to peddler the quest turn 2 after already having played it, could you get 2 portals out of it? 6/4 on the board every turn would be fun
I’d submit cards like Hemet Nesingwary, Rend Blackhand, and Mimiron’s Head. All 3 have subpar stats, and only benefit from tribal synergies (or in Hemet’s case, the tribe of the opponent’s minions.) Of course, none of them benefit from the vanilla test, and their effects are much more specific. Worst case for Pyros, you have a minion with 1/1 for each mana spent and a deathrattle effect, which they either have to spend resources dealing with that effect (silence/hex/poly) or just let it go off. I’d say par stats and an effect that either wastes clear or gives you another minion is miles above any of the 3 cards I mentioned above.
That’s not to say that this card is meta-defining, but I certainly think it could see some play in elemental decks, especially if the mage quest involves summoning elementals. If elemental synergy turns out not to be useful, then this card probably won’t see a lot of play, but I don’t think it should be counted out just yet.
Not sure he’ll synergize with this card very well, unless you plan on using this for a 2/1 weapon. I’m guessing the transformed weapons don’t keep the hand buff, just as Zerus doesn’t keep hand buff when he transforms.