Goodboy's Comments
Battle-Ready Decks Announced, Get Full Viable Meta Decks For $19.99 Instead Of Buying Packs
Some games die quietly. This one keeps screaming “Look! I’m dead! “
(Update: Live Now) Patch 20.0.1 Comes Out On Monday, Fixes Mutliple Bugs Introduced By The Barrens Patch
You can absolutely tell the expansion was meant to come out mid-April. I’m having a lot of fun right now, but this kind if stuff is just embarrassing. Makes it pretty hard to keep supporting the game. No hate towards Top Decks of course, I’m just frustrated by Blizzard getting worse by the day
Log In Between December 15 and January 18 To Claim Your 500 Gold + Five Darkmoon Faire Packs For Free
I sure love being bribed
Secret Passage
And of course this card is bonkers. If it really is real I might just quit, since Team 5 clearly doesn’t play the game
Secret Passage
Is this real? When was it revealed? I thought it was just random stuff they used in the trailer
Turalyon, the Tenured
When played from hand, this is obviously a worse Natalie, but it’s clearly better when recruited or summoned in other ways. Will always win Duels
Archwitch Willow
So far this looks like a booooring expansion. They keep printing statblocks with no cool mechanics. Glide is the only interesting card so far but boy that’s gonna be awful to play against
Headmaster Kel'Thuzad
Broken if it works with plague of flames, otherwise just pretty good
Survival of the Fittest
it’s not like Druid doesn’t have any other 0 mana spells. If you already have a minion on the field than it’s an immediate +8/+8 in your field
Interview with Hearthstone Game Designer Chadd "Celestalon" Nervig – Trial by Felfire, Initial Card Design, and The Lore of Murgur!
Boring story, boring interview.
I Am Not Prepared: The Diary of My Race to 1000 Demon Hunter Wins (Week 11)
Blizzard makes it real hard to like Hearthstone. I hope the money’s worth it
I Am Not Prepared: the Diary of My Race to 1000 Demon Hunter Wins (Week 6)
Why don’t you try Chump’s murloc DH? It’s not tier 1, but it’s a nice change of pace from both Tempo DH and murloc paladin IMO
Tempo (Enrage) Warrior - #1 Legend (Meati) - Ashes of Outland
Is Deathwing replaceable?
Galakrond, the Unspeakable
Excellent, finally a replacement for psychic scream. If the invoke cards don’t end up being terrible it might finally enable a new control priest.
Hearthstone Battlegrounds General Guide - All You Need to Know About the New Auto Battler Mode
Do you know if it will mandatory to download it on mobile? My phone doesn’t run hearthstone very well and I’m afraid it wouldn’t handle an extra 2 GBs
The Evolve Conundrum
Evolve is extremely powerful, but it also enables cheap decks in an otherwise very expensive metagame. The cheapness of current Shaman decks has to be taken into account when talking about the popularity of the class.
The article was good btw, I just wanted to share this thought
Very fun deck. Meeting Stone wrecks priest, but it’s pretty bad against aggro. I’d swap one or both copies with ooze if you queue into a lot of Shamans, the worst matchup of the deck