Glacier's Comments
One Holy Ripple
Thanks for bringing this up, I was wondering the same thing. After some trials with this deck the Acolyte seems like a good inclusion especially for drawing. I may try taking extra arms out, but I think there is some value in buffing up 1 mana minions to fight for board control (or midgame turns), Lightwarden, Tolvir, and Cleric are the best targets for minion vs minion combat after being extra armed. Another problem is Mind Control Tech. Using a Potion Vendor against Quest Shaman may (not for sure) lead to something valuable being stolen, of coarse you can plan around that, but the likelihood of that happening is higher. Being a 1/1 makes comboing off the Vendor rather unlikely, but I do get that you are saying that it is for card draw and deck thinning (Bwonsamdi is a good idea). It may be more than likely that the example is the most optimal one though.
Also just note that I have mostly experimental decks here, and absolutely don’t mind discussing how things can work. I like making decks or tweaks of decks (for example I just made an overload Shaman which could use tweaking).
I like personally the Antonidas with all the small spells, that probably works against Priest pretty good. I think Mind Control Tech is imperative for either aggro or N’Zoth decks. the only inclusions I don’t think does well in this meta are: Mossy Horror, Voodo Doll, and maybe Tortollan pilgrim depending on what it can be used for. And the N’Zoth package looks good, except maybe getting a Voodo Doll back as well (1/1 stats).