Ginnel's Comments
Hearthstone Patch 23.2 Is Now Live on PC! (Update: And Mobile)
Ah it is up just have to uninstall and reinstall it for some reason
Hearthstone Patch 23.2 Is Now Live on PC! (Update: And Mobile)
No update on Android yet
Reno Paladin - Early #9 Legend (Joth703) - Sunken City
Fun to play tends to destroy quest hunter and aggro demon Hunter. Lightforged Cariel and Reno doing a lot of the heavy lifting
Naga Aggro Demon Hunter - #1 Legend (Gaby) - Sunken City
This got me to Legend for only the second time ever so it’s well overpowered 🙂
Balance Changes Announced - Standard & Wild Nerfs - Releasing Next Tuesday (April 26)
And no one shed a tear, garbage to play against.
Naga Aggro Demon Hunter - #5 Legend (Uberer) - Sunken City
This is a great deck with interesting choices. Demolishing druids if all types and pirate warriors with a more than fair chance Vs mage.
Hearthstone Hotfix (April 21, 2022) - Barbed Nets & Multi-Strike Bugs, Stuck in Duels, Golakka Glutton Banned in Arena
Wonder if theyve fixed the bug on mobile where when you targeted a minion with barbed nets you then can’t target the hero as it just squelches them instead.
Voyage to the Sunken City Hearthstone Decks - Best Early Meta Builds From Pros & Streamers, Decks For All Classes
Having good luck with an abyssal curses deck at the mo like the prebuilt but with the minion that aoes based on hand size and a couple of the fatigue curse cards
Voyage to the Sunken City Launch Guide - Release Time, Freebies, New Mechanics, New Decks
Well no sunken city packs to buy whatsoever in EU it’s not even showing in my shop
Voyage to the Sunken City Launch Guide - Release Time, Freebies, New Mechanics, New Decks
Wow opened the free packs and got 3 normal packs of dross 1 rare each then opened the golden pack and got a Golden Ambassador Faelin who was promptly and unceremoniously disenchanted for full price 🙂
Voyage to the Sunken City Hearthstone Decks - Best Early Meta Builds From Pros & Streamers, Decks For All Classes
Personally I hate building decks I find the whole process frustrating and time consuming and as I’m time poor, in other words a parent I appreciate other people putting stuff together, so it’s nice to have some decks to play with on release. If somehow blizzard could ban netdecking I definitely wouldn’t play.
It’s not like the meta is ever solved and I’m pretty sure I see someone on this site promoting anti meta decks all the time so there’s still room for new decks and experimentation well into a season let alone the start where there’s lots to explore. Also you don’t have to look at the decks other people play.
Patch 23.0 Known Issues - Mi'da Bounty in Mercenaries, Early Core Set Cards
Exactly I think it’s safe to say bigots aren’t welcome on this site.
So from that explanation it’s
Curses. Damage
1 curse 1 Min 2 Max
2 curses 3 Min 6 Max
3 curses 6 Min 12 Max
4 curses 10 Min 20 Max
5 curses 15 Min 30 Max
A little more support (1 card) and this could be gross
Now either you need to be able to give the opponent lots of these curses currently 3 cards total that can do that which give one each which means a maximum (without shenanigans) total of 9 damage an extra card would give 18 more then 30 more for another 45 more etc.
I reckon they’ll produce 2 more cards which can give curses, I reckon they’ll need to be fairly cheap for this to work but also that might make then overpowered.
Trench Surveyor
I find it interesting they’re trying to enable two separate tribe strategies (Naga and mech) for one class.
Chum Bucket
Warlock does card draw, always seemed a natural fit to the aggro murloc tactic.
Glugg the Gulper
Maybe if the main body had rush? Wasn’t it the warlock void terror which are 2 demons something which never saw play? Not sure why they think this will. At least make the tails 1/3 s
As per the votes a deck which relies on a 2 card combo to even be competitive is awful.